M.J's Discovery

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M.J's laptop dinged happily as she opened another tab. Waiting for it to load, she turned to her window beside her. The deep night sky twinkled with stars, or in New York's case - skyscrapers and apartment lights. Letting go of her shoulders, she wondered if the attacker had actually been lying about Chemical X.
Couldn't hurt to do a bit of research?

It was the evening after the ambush at the park, and M.J's curiosity had got the best of her. Y/N told her to hang back whilst she talked to Spider-Man, but M.J decided against it. Once she received the text from Y/N saying that she was on patrol, M.J got started on her research.

Looking back to her laptop, she mumbled her search out loud. After some uninformative searches on his dirty work, his personal life, M.J decided to just search his name up.
"Wilson Fisk." Thirty-six million search results in 0.000369 seconds. "Great."

The deeper M.J dove, the more concerned she was. This Fisk guy was shady, and had some excellent lawyers. Many trials, and lots of money. Bribing must have been a very easy way out for someone like him.
Shoving down the urge to just click out there, she continued down the rabbit hole.

He was recently arrested by "government forces". Although one report included two vigilantes, and M.J smiled, knowing exactly who they were talking about.

Slowly chewing through many useless, suck-up reports, M.J rolled her eyes at the repeated flattery. Most successful businessman, framed by Spider-Man, righteously set free. Her faith in New York's journalism died after the first few.

In fact, M.J let go of a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding. 2 hours of just falling deeper and deeper in to the black hole, until one link particularly stood out.

Reports from the Department of Health state that billionaire Wilson Fisk's laboratory in downtown Brooklyn has been shut down due to illegal and immoral experimentation. Fisk claims "Chemical X will revolutionise humanity as we know it, you can't stop the future. You will all thank me if they would just let me develop it!" He refuses to elaborate on this statement. Written by J. Jonah Jamison, February 7th, 1999.

"Immoral and illegal?" She murmured, reading the date. This report was taken quite a long time ago, judging by the relatively young Fisk in the picture. M.J couldn't mistake his scowling face, furious as he headed of to court. "How long have you been working on this, Fisk?"

As she clicked out of the page, a link in black appeared. She swore it wasn't there before she clicked on the other report. It menacingly blinked at the bottom of the page. Hesitantly, she clicked, and her laptop froze.

Anti-climatically, it stood frozen for two seconds, until a storm of static greeted her. Until thousands of pop-ups flashed, and then vanished.

Videos upon videos of screaming, the most visible a girl tearing at their own skin. Faces blistered, black, blue and then finally a stone grey. Cracks like ones on rocks spread on their writhing bodies, as they multiplied in size. Yelling out for whoever was watching to help, they all hopelessly tried to stop the torturous transformation.

The sound ripped through M.J, who was paralysed by her own fear. Sitting helplessly, she watched as the subjects grew in to deformed, boulder-sized monsters.

Snapping out of it, M.J seized the mouse and clicked off the videos. In a speechless silence, M.J could barely even get the words to form. "A week... until whatever that..." She gulped, the screams still echoing in her mind. "Is on New York?"

Slamming down the laptop screen, M.J couldn't speak, and every inch of her shook. This was the longest thirty seconds of M.J's life.

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