The Archer's Nest

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Y/n reached home that night, thinking about the Spider-Boy. He sounded like someone she might have met in a dream. It was very strange, but refreshing none the less. She had never worked as an official team.

As she shuffled along the dry concrete stairs, she felt a draft reach her floor. She sighed to herself, seeing her neighbour outside the door. Y/n wasn't too worried about her neighbour seeing her as Acri - after all, Mrs Overton was 67, as blind as a bat.

Her powder-white hair and lavender night gown made her unmissable. Y/n gave a polite wave, and just as her fingertips grazed the doorknob, she heard quiet attempts of opening a jammed lock. Looking over at the neighbour, she let out an exhausted exhale, before practically slapping herself awake again.

"Hey Mrs Overs, locked out again?"
Y/n called from outside her door, to no response. She repeated her words, a few steps closer. "Do you need some help, Miss?"

"Oh, yes, Y/n," Mrs Overs said, the warm raspiness of age accenting her words. Y/N ignored the mispronunciation of her name. With a click, Y/n opened the lock for her. "Thank you."

"No problem, ma'am." She gave a her an awakened smile, before something she mumbled caught her ear.

"I wonder why that man was looking for you."
Y/n did a double take. "Who was looking for me?" Mrs Overs turned around, and waved her hand dismissively.
"Never you mind, dear. I'm sure I must've misheard him."

Y/n swallowed, unnerved by her neighbour's peculiar behaviour. Rubbing her forehead, this day can't get any weirder. She thought, grabbing on to her bow just in case.

Making her way in to her own apartment, she felt it was eerily quiet. Peter's Aunt May used to own this apartment, and it always had the same vibrant feeling that she had. But this time, there was something off in the air, she could just smell it.

"I've been waiting for you, Y/n. Or should I say, we."

A voice said from behind her. Quickly drawing back an arrow, she found Nick Fury sitting comfortably on her own couch with Steve Rogers beside him.

"Put down the bow, kid," Steve calmed, lowering his voice. "We know who you are." Fury didn't even seem nervous under the bow's threat. He just leaned forward slightly, before standing up completely.

"You've done some good work, kid," He began, putting a firm foot down. "But SHIELD need those packages."

"Why do you need them?" Y/n said, eyes not leaving Fury's. "Not that I have even have any." She stumbled, and the corner of Fury's mouth twitched to stifle a grin.

"Why- Why are you even here?" She added.

"You've got potential, Y/n." Steve sat put on the couch, but looked over at the kid. She reminded him so much of himself. "SHIELD can help you find what you're looking for."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Y/n snapped, the mention of finding her parents made her drop the calm mask she kept firmly taped to her face. "Besides, they died. The least I could do is put the man behind bars."

Steve winced at the girl's reaction. He felt terrible about lying blatantly to Y/n, but there was nothing he could do. Clint and Natasha would tell her in their own time, it's not his place to tell her. He looked away for a second, before considering something he wouldn't usually think of.

The Director's eyes were unreadable. They glinted almost sadistically in the moonlight, the stray raindrops on the window casting tiny shadows on his scarred face.

He took a step back, and Steve calmly came forward his hands gently raised by his sides. "I could train you, kid. You're good with that bow, I heard."

"If you guys promise not to tell anyone who I am without asking me first, I'll join your club." Y/n finally came to her decision, but made sure it wouldn't come back to bite her later. Fury chuckled. "I can assure you, kiddo. It isn't just a club."

As soon as the package was in Fury's hands, Steve instantly came between them. "Okay kid, let's show you around the tower."

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