Legolas Is Mad

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Y/N stared blankly at the wall. It had to be at least four in the morning now.

A lot had changed in the past 24 hours.
Beside being arrested, she had learned about being the daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. It was a shock at first, who wouldn't find it at least mildly bizarre that this had never occurred to her. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. However, with each loose end tied, another one appeared.

For example, the house. She had always been told they simply died in a house fire. Despite causing a deep-rooted fear of fire, nothing ever came from it. Case closed, thoughts and prayers, and a tragic backstory to brood in the shadows about.
The one thing that could never be explained was the lack of evidence. It was such a great blaze, roaring and towering in to the sky like fingers reaching for the heavens. Yet no other house on the street was touched. Not even a single ember grazed the bricks of the house next door.
It all started to make sense.

Her gaze wandered to the handcuffs that bound her wrists to the cold table. Unnecessary, but you never know with this organisation. SHIELD was talked about in hushed tones, from what she had gathered so far. Not even the most powerful of drug-clients would dare cross them.

It may be a surprise, but this night had definitely not gone as planned. Y/N was not expecting it to end in handcuffs and a criminal record. Before she could even dwell on that for too long, the door swung open. The shadowy silhouette of a man stepped through, each step filled with a seething calmness. Nick Fury sat in front of her, scraping the chair along the floor and setting down a contract.

"Listen, cause I'm only going to say this once: That was a stupid decision."
He said, jabbing his finger on the table. Unlike Steve's parental concern, Fury had a disdainful glare about him. This was no ordinary lecture. "And I've realised my mistake. You need supervision."

"You're kidding."
"By signing this form, you agree to 5 days a week training, all information and evidence to be handed in to Authorised Agents, and once a week meetings with The Avengers to discuss matters."

He pushed the contract towards her.
"And you can do operations with signed permission from me."
"And if I don't want to?" She asked, clenching her jaw.
"Then you rot in prison for withholding information and screwing up a top-secret operation." The edges of Fury's lips curled upwards. He had her cornered.

Y/n's chest deflated, as she groaned.
"Fine. Use your government babysitters or whatever."
"They have a name. It's The Avengers, and trust me, they won't be as nice as Rogers has been."

"At least he doesn't lie to me: I know who my parents are."
Fury grit his teeth. "No, you don't."
"Natasha and Clint. That's all I know, only the first names. Steve said you would get annoyed if I had a clue what was going on."

"Don't piss me off, kid!" Fury barked. "If you are to become a SHIELD Agent, you must learn how to act like one!"
"I think I have the right to be a little out of line. You break in to my house, pressure my friend in to getting involved, arrest me for preventing a major drug lord being on the streets! It's not my choice to be here!"
"For that, no more operations."
"You heard me. Now, you better be prepared for training tomorrow."


Finally, the night was over. Morning rose, and Y/N found herself walking to The Avengers Compound.

She found it strange. The Avengers lived in the tower, but trained in the compound. Probably their way of showing how much money they have, she mumbled to herself. Dragging her feet behind her, Y/N dreaded the thought of what was to come.

Training. She thought she didn't need to be trained - but Y/N was wrong. It was a lot more than just learning how to throw a punch, as she found out.

Her supervisor for today was a young-looking woman named Wanda. Red flecks of mist would occasionally swirl around her fingers whenever she got particularly passionate, but apart from that, she seemed normal.

After several laps around the compound, Y/N realised that was only the warmup. Cursing Nick Fury under her breath, she followed Wanda deeper in to the compound.
"Let's see how good you really are with that bow of yours." She grinned, excited to see her best friend's kid in action.

Wanda stepped aside, and Y/N saw the targets set out for her. A few dotted the wall, others stood on tripods. Trying to block out the weird pulsing sensation she felt under Wanda's gaze, Y/N followed the ritual.

String back. Her instincts pricked at the slight tremble. In a moment of pure concentration, the arrow flew from her fingertips. The familiar thunk followed as it pierced the target. She didn't spend any time to marvel at her results, instead Y/N continued to shoot the arrows as precisely and quickly as she could.

All of them bullseye, except for the furthest one. Not even close, either. Her lips flattened.
"You shouldn't rush yourself." Another voice said. "That's how you get yourself killed."
Clint shrugged.
The annoyance between the two was mutual.

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