Chapter I

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Hey guys!

This is my first fanfiction set in the MCU, so I hope you all like it. This book is set a few years before and during the events of the first Thor movie - 2011. I don't own any of the Marvel characters but take all credit for Lilly, she's my own imagination. Well, that's enough for a authors note, please enjoy the book!

BTW, if you play the video while you read this chapter it really feels real!

Loki's pov -(point of view):

"Yes, Mother I know, I am simply going for a walk," I muttered angrily, slamming the door shut behind me.

I trudged down the dirt path and then headed into the woods. When I reached them I took one of the familiar paths and sighed as I stared up at the towering trees above me. The high-pitched call of the birds, the warmth of the sun on my face and the slow trickle of the nearby stream calmed me down. Asgard is truly a place of beauty and wonder, words can not do it justice.

I sigh as the a million thoughts and emotions run through my mind, 'everyone tells me I should feel privileged to be who I am: Loki, prince of Asgard. But what angers me is just that, I am a prince, not a king, and I never will be. My oaf of a big brother will, he doesn't deserve it. I hate it how Father favours him so, I wish he would at least show some care towards me - but, then why do I even bother? Whenever Thor is around, I'm practically invisible to Father; I wish he would love me. Oh well, I may as well do what I came to here for.'

I opened my brown, leather satchel and pull out a small jar. Inside there are several downlike feathers, all different colours. I collected them as a child, some when our family went on adventures, but mostly on my own in the forest. I promised my young self that one day when I was king, these feathers would adorn my crown, but as I grew I realized that would not be proper, so I kept them rather as a symbol of hope. Hope that one day I would find peace as I ruled side by side with my brother. But I soon learned that only one of us would have the throne, even though Father said it could be either of ours, I already knew who's it would be. It would not be me, no, it would be Father's favourite.

Angered by my present situation I opened the jar and released an emerald coloured feather into the forest breeze, then a blue, golden, silver, red, orange, black and grey; followed by a million emotions and memories. As each feather was carried off by the wind, I felt pieces of my hope leave me.

"Why Father," I whispered, a silent tear sliding down my cheek, "why do you love Thor more? What did he do? - Nothing. I've done my best, yet everything I do is just another mistake to you." 

Lilly's pov:

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped out of the house, and began to walk down the dirt road and into the forest. I was exhausted, but I guess I shouldn't complain; a house cleaner is a good respectable job for someone not doing too well in the finance area of life. I sighed as I walked down the well-trod path and smelled the fresh forest air. It had rained recently - I adore that smell. I continued walking until something flew into my face.

"A feather?" I whispered in confusion as I caught it and marvelled at the stunning green colour.

'I think I'll keep this,'  I thought, placing my newly found treasure in my small bag.

I continued down the path and to my surprise, found another feather - now feathers are common in a forest, but these ones were almost mystical - the wind carried them. I felt my heart beat faster every time I found a new one. Then when I caught the fourth, I heard a noise a short way off. I listened hard and hoped it wasn't a wolf or some other dangerous wild creature. After a while of sneaking around, I dismissed the thought, it was probably just a bird.

Then I found another five feathers, all beautiful and so soft; I admired each one and knew it was a special moment. Maybe a spirit was trying to talk to me, or it was queen Frigga's kindness in physical form. Suddenly a gorgeous white feather flew past in the breeze and I managed to catch it. I held it and breathed out contently -  it was stunning.

Suddenly a twig snapped behind me. I stuffed the feather into my bag and whirled around. At first glance there was nothing, but I could feel the presence of another person. As I heard more sounds coming from the thick wood in front of me I took out my dagger and took a defensive stance. Then I spied a figure coming closer, 'gods I wished I'd taken the self-defence lessons my Mother wanted me too.'

My grip on the handle tightened and my breathing became shaky. Then the figure came close enough for me to tell it was not a wild creature, but a young man, he was wearing green and black Asgardian clothes that looked like they were made for royalty.

'Ha, yeah, like I'd be lucky enough to actually meat on of the royal family,' I thought to myself.

The man came closer, nonthreateningly, with his hands in a sort of half surrender gesture. Gods he was good looking, he had raven black hair, a thin jawline and stunning light blue eyes.

'Focus!' I mentally scolded myself as I held the knife out in front of me, "who are you?" I asked shakily.

Loki's pov:

I was about to set the second to last feather free when I heard a noise, then I saw movement.

'What was it? Perhaps a wolf?'

I scanned the area until my eyes rested on a young woman. Her back was facing me, and her beautiful long golden hair was pulled back into a messy braid that fell down to her lower back. She was wearing a loose-fitting, blue dress with a thin, light brown belt fastened around her waist. She turned and I could see the side of her - she was holding one of the feathers I had let loose and she had a bag filled with the rest!

Then she turned to face me, instinctively I hid behind a tree. I peeked around it and was completely astounded at her beauty. Her beautiful golden hair, gorgeous emerald eyes and perfect features; she looked like an angel. I moved forward to get a better look and accidentally stepped on a stick, breaking it, I stood still and held my breath as she pulled out a dagger and looked in my direction.

"Oh well," I thought, "She's seen me."

I didn't want to scare her, so I slowly walked out of the thicket with my hands up. We stood looking at each other for a few seconds before she nervously asked, "who are you?"

Surprised, I laughed a little, "you don't know who I am?" I asked.

Seeing the confusion on her face, I quickly added, "my name is Loki."

"What do you want with me?" She asked, holding the knife in fount of her.

"Nothing. I am merely enjoying the peace and quiet of the woods," I responded.

She still looked cautious and replied, "were you following me?"

"Much the opposite," I stated with a smile, "those are my feathers. I was letting them go in the wind."

Oh,"  she breathed, lowering the dagger, "can I keep them? They're beautiful."

I smiled, "of course."

"So it was you I heard a while back, not a wolf," she stated.

I smiled again and took a few steps towards her, "apparently not," I replied.

She hid her knife in the folds of her dress and extended her hand, "I'm Lilly Elizabeth Lyre," She explained.

I took her hand and kissed it, "pleased to meet you, Lady Lilly," I answered with a slight bow.

So I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Your feedback means the world to me, so please comment and tell me what you think. Also, feel free to point out any typos!

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