Chapter 20

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Thor's pov:

I sat by Lilly's bedside for the rest of the day and wanted to stay longer but I started to tire greatly - so I was forced to retreat to my chambers. I laid awake in my bed that night, unable to sleep, I was worried about Lily. I eventually convinced myself that she would be fine and managed to get some rest, but my worry was rekindled when I awoke to loud voices coming from Lilly's room.

 I hurried towards it and then stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what was happening. Lilly was surrounded by healers, all trying their best to help her, running back and forth with medical instruments. My breath became shaky as Lilly started convulsing, still unconscious.

"Oh, prince Thor!" The head healer exclaimed, "her heart rate increased suddenly in the night, it may have been from her loss of blood, but I think not, it's almost like it is mental."

I was shocked, "mental? How does that make her heart rate rise and she start convulsing?" I asked, "fix her!"

The healer rushed over to Lilly's bed, "I'm trying my Lord!" She replied.

I covered my face with my hands and slid them to the back of my neck as I nervously sighed, "Oh what in Valhalla is wrong with her?" I groaned.

Lilly's pov:


Wait, I'm awake again, at least I think I am - I still don't know where I am or what's going on.

That word of before, what was it?

Oh! Feathers!

My necklace!

Wait, I can't move my hands to reach for it, I can't see, I can't move. I'm stressing out - I feel my heart rate start to rise - I'm scared.

What happened?

My heartbeat is so fast, like Stars hoove beats. Star - why was I riding him?

To get something - someone.

A voice echos in my mind, "I'm sorry."

I remember!


He's gone - he left me, he let go.

I'm so sad - I can't stand it -the pain of the heartbreak. I had hurt myself, I cut my wrists! That was so stupid - Loki wouldn't have wanted that, what have I done?

Oh, that's where I am, I'm nowhere. I'm dead like I wanted, or at least very close to it.

It's not nice - it's horrible, I want to go back, but I can't, I'm trapped.

I stop fighting, it's not worth it.

Thor's pov:

Lilly suddenly stopped convulsing, and I let out a sigh of relief, "can you fix her now?" I asked the healer.

"I'm trying," she replied.

As I watched it slowly started to dawn on me that Lilly was very, very still, and deathly quiet. I walked over to her, gently moving the healer aside, I bend down to Lilly - she wasn't breathing. My heart almost stopped and my breath became shaky, I laid my ear against her chest, there was a heartbeat, but a slow one - and it was getting slower. I told the healer and she and her team started an emergency resuscitation on Lilly.

I watched in shock and horror, Loki's last request for me to keep her safe echoing in my mind. It was like time-shifted into slow motion, Lilly lying on the bed, so still, the healers trying to save her and availing nothing.

Finally, they stepped away from the bed with sombre faces, "she's gone," the healer stated gravely, "there's nothing we can do."

"No," I answered shaking my head, "she had to live. I promised my Brother I would care for her!" I hurried to her bedside and gently shook her by her shoulders, "Lilly! Lilly wake up! Please, you have to fight!"

Lilly's pov:

I welcome the darkness.

It's like a big black blanket, and underneath there are no more troubles. I want to crawl under it, but in the back of my mind I remember life - and it's joys - and my Mother. But there's happiness now, I want to forget life and join Loki in Vallhala - I want to see him again. I need him.


See, he's calling me. I'm smiling now, I look into the blackness, and I can almost to him smiling back at me, his beautiful blue eyes beckoning me to come. Take me death - I want this.


Wait, I recognise that voice! It's Thor.

"Please Lilly fight!"

What? I don't want to. I want to be with my soulmate in Valhalla, where the brave will live forever. I don't want to go back to the pain of being alone without him.

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