Chapter 19

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= Trigger warning: Mention of self-harm. =

Thor's pov:

She was devastated.

It pains me to see her like that - really she just showed outwardly how Mother and I felt. Lilly did take it hard though. I could tell that she and my brother had an unbreakable bond - and it had all been ripped from her in a matter of seconds.

When offered to take her and her Mother back in, Lilly asked us to care for her mother but refused to stay herself. She came every day to the palace every day to visit her and I would often see Lilly in the woods - where I knew she and Loki had spent time.

After the two weeks customary grieving time, my Mother called for Lilly, wishing still to keep up their visits of getting to know each other- which I'm sure they already did, and now it was more so a visit of friendship. I'm certain Lilly cared about my Mother and enjoyed spending time with her, but for some reason, she didn't make it to the meeting one day. Seeing Mother so sad hurt me, upon losing her son she was utterly heartbroken; and meeting with Lilly would help her get over that pain - but Lilly hadn't come. Lilly loved meeting with Mother, so I realized something must be wrong, and I discided to pay her a visit to see how she was faring.

An hour later I had tied my horse to the white fence and knocked on the front door of the cottage - there was no response, so I waited, and knocked again. Still no response.

"Lady Lilly?" I called, "it's Thor, I have come to see how you are faring."

There was still no response; starting to get worried I opened the door and looked around. There were items strewn across the house, and pieces of cups and plates were smashed to bits. I quickly searched the three rooms, there was no one in the two bedrooms, only more things that looked to be destroyed. I then saw a hallway and started down it, at the end, there was a closed door, I tried to open it but it was locked. "Lady Lilly?" I called, "are you in there?"

No response, I had no choice, I took a few steps back then ran forward and kicked down the door - my eyes widened in horror and shock at what I beheld next. Lilly was laying sprawled out on the floor of her bathroom with blood covering her.

I felt rage rise up inside me, a rage to hunt down and punish the one that had dared to harm my Brother's best friend. But suddenly my heart fell, and a look of utter sadness and disappointed crossed my face when I saw a knife in Lilly's hand. I quickly dropped to my knees beside her and found the initial cut marks. Using her knife I tore off strips of my cape and wrapped it around her wounds. Then I gently lifted her up and carried her to my horse, I took her back to the palace and straight to the healers, then sat down outside the operating room to wait.

One hour later a healer came and got me, "you Highness," she greeted me with a curtsy, "she will recover."

I breathed a sigh of relief, "good."

"But," she continued, causing me to hold my breath in anticipation.


"She unconscience," she started, "we have been unsuccessful in waking her. She appears to be in a coma, most likely from the loss of blood."

I nodded and waved her away, 'oh Lilly,'  I thought, 'you are such a sweet woman, why would you ever think of harming yourself?'

I then went into the room, told the healers to leave and sat by Lilly's bedside, I felt an urge to comfort her even if it hadn't been my Brother's final request, I wanted to aid her and keep her safe. But if I was truly honest, it was because she was so dear to Loki, and I felt like I was fulfilling his last request by protection her. Because he loved her so much, it was almost like I was keeping him safe by helping her, like in some strange way Loki was a part of her, and my brother was still here. She had become just as special to me as she was to him, and I had to keep her safe.

But I also had to face facts - she had tried to kill herself. She was so distraught, so sad and depressed because Loki was gone. She couldn't live like this, it was obviously tearing her apart. A thought then crossed my mind - a dangerous thought, but it could solve everything for her: 

I could wipe her memory, only allowing her to remember life before she met my Brother, and send her to Midgard. Her Mother would stay here and be safe and looked after by the healers, which I would let her remember. I could give her a new start -completely new - she wouldn't be sad anymore. It was a lot to think about, it could only work if she was conscious - and that was if she ever woke up.

Lilly's pov:




I'm trying to think but all I can focus on are those three things. The last thing I remember is pain. Pain in my heart - so great I couldn't think. I remember the blood, then I was cold - so cold. But right now all I feel is alone.

It's dark and I'm alone.

My heartbeat is so loud I can hear it echo, yet so slow. I'm still cold, really cold, and dizzy, I am alone, cold and dizzy - wait!

There's a light!

It looks like a golden string, and it's forming into a set of letters. There's a word here now, it says 'FEATHERS.'

Does it mean something to me? Should it?

I feel like I should be remembering something, but I'm not - I can't think, I can't remember.

Darkness is closing in and the word is gone. I'm scared - I'm alone.

What happened to me?

I'm feeling sick, and dizzy - my head hurts. It's dark.

My heart beats are getting slower.

I can't think, I can't do.

I can't anything...

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