Chapter 22

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Lilly's pov:

Moving to Midgard was hard. Leaving Mother was even harder, but I knew I needed a change from the monotonous life I was living. My friend Thor offered to care for mother - which I was so grateful for.

But Midgard was truly marvellous! I loved the hustle and bustle of the city, the friendly people and amazing technology. It took me a while to get the hang of a device called a phone, they're actually quite useful. I got a job as an assistant secretary at Stark Industries, which keeps me pretty busy; but my apartment is nice and there's a balcony where I can relax after work. Mr Stark is quite the character, he can be very annoying to most, but I actually enjoy his company.

I have determined to keep where I am from a secret; in contrast to the Asgardians having abundant knowledge of Midgard, Midgardians have very little to no knowledge of my people.

My powers are getting easier for me to control every day, and I love experimenting with new tricks and ways to fly.

Four years ago when I first moved here, Mr Stark introduced me to a Miss Natasha Romanoff- she's cool, we actually became BFF's overtime. One day, a few weeks ago, on one of our normal coffee and chat dates a very interesting thing happened:

I stood on the busy side street of NY Manhattan, waiting to meet Natasha. I could stay there all day and watch - I loved the city. A car whizzed past me and I moved just in time to avoid the spray of water it flung up - it had rained this morning. I was glad when it had stopped, I feared I might not get to go out. I checked my phone to see if Natasha had answered my 'where are you?'  text.

'I see you,' her reply read, 'stay where you are.'

I looked up and saw a red-haired, slim woman walking towards me, "hey!" I called, immediately recognising her as the beautiful Natasha who was also my best friend.

"Hey," she answered walking over to me; she was wearing a beige T-shirt, tight black jeans and a black leather jacket, I was in a simple V-necked T-shirt, denim jeens and a brown jacket.

"So, how've you been?" Natasha asked once we started walking together towards Starbucks.

"I've been pretty good, got a lot of work done this week" I replied, "watched a movie at the cinema, so you know, alright."

"It's always good when you get work out of the way," Natasha nodded, then stated, "look, we're here," as we reached the building.

"Ready to order?" Natasha asked after a few minutes of staring at the drink menu poster.

"Sure," I replied.

10 minutes later we were sitting at a table with our drinks.

"So, what did you do for fun besides the movie this week Lilly?" Natasha asked, taking a sip from her Mocha.

"Train," I answered before realizing I could have just blown my identity I'd been hiding from her the past four years.

"Train?" Natasha asked raising her eyebrows, "you mean like fighting?"

"Sort of," I replied, trying to somehow hide behind my Chai Latte, "I uhh, it's a bit of a hobby. I train with weapons and also hand to hand combat."

"Cool hobby," Natasha replied, "it also happens to be one of mine."

"Really?" I asked a little taken back, "that's cool!"

"Yeah," Natasha replied, then a playful smile spread across her face, "maybe we could verse each other some time - see whose skills are the best."

 I smiled back and was about to agree when I heard a scream. Natasha and I jumped up from our seats to see a man holding a gun to the cashier, "give me all the money in the till!"

When she hesitated, the man shot at the roof, causing everyone in the place to scream and drop to the floor. The cashier shakily gave the man all the money and he snatched it from her, stuffed it into his bag, and attempted to leave. I pursed my lips, I wasn't going to let him get away with this.

Grasping the dagger I had hidden, I aimed and threw. The gun stuck to the wall, the dagger having impaled it. I turned to Natasha who was gaping at me, then I moved over to the robber. He looked at me wearily and bolted for the door; I ran after him and smashed my fist into the back of his head, sending him to the ground. He jumped up and hit me off guard, unfortunately for him, pushing my necklace against my chest. The white mist engulfed me and in the few short seconds, white wings appeared and my eyes shone - I was completely exposed.

"Oh well," I thought, "better use it now that everyone's seen."

I hit him again, the power giving me super strength and he stumbled back. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back - I don't remember learning how to do that, but I'm glad I could. I grabbed his other arm and did the same. Hearing sirens I quickly removed my necklace and put it in my pocket, then kicked the robber to the floor. Panting, I returned to where Natasha was standing, "yeah, so now you know my secret," I breathed.

Natasha laughed, one in-between nervousness and surprise, "don't worry," she responded, "it's safe with me."

Natasha acted strange around me for the rest of the day - and I didn't know why. That night I was back in my apartment watching TV when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Lilly," the caller replied, "it's Natasha. Look, today I learned something special about you, and so I have a question. I'm not asking this just because of your powers, I'm asking because I know you. You have a determined personality and a good heart. You're brave, fearless, selfless and courageous."

"Ok," I answered, a little shocked, "what is it?"

"I've recently become part of a team who protects the world from threats," Natasha replied, "we're called the Avengers; I was wondering if you wanted to join."

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