Chapter 17

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Loki's pov:

I miss her.

Every day I miss her. I wish I hadn't sent her away, but I couldn't risk her finding out about me sending the destroyer robot to Midgard to get rid of Thor. I can't believe my Brother had wanted to sacrifice himself for his friends and the mortals of Earth. At the time I was so angry, but I couldn't do it, I merely got the robot to hit him. I was so angry with myself, I had wanted to kill Thor for so long - I hated him. Then when I was given the opportunity to truly end him - I couldn't do it. 


Honestly, I was glad to see how much he had matured from the few days he had been away; but again I felt that familiar feeling - jealousy. Thor had proved himself worthy of Mjölnir, something I thought he would never be able to do again. He would come back soon and again be Father's favourite, and I would again be pushed aside. Anger boiled inside of me - I had to make sure Thor did not return. I had to win Father's affection, but how could I when he was unconscious?

I would have to do something that proved my love and devotion to him, but what? Save his life maybe? That's actually not a bad idea. If I save his life, when he awakes and finds out, he might see that I care for him, even though he doesn't for me. If a few frost giants came into his chambers, I could be there to eliminate them and save him, Mother would be there to witness it, and Father would believe her.

My mind is made up, I must speak to Laufey, convince him to come to Asgard and kill Odin, maybe even with the promise of the Tesseract. Then I will kill him - it matters not that he is supposedly my biological Father, he is a Frost giant, and an enemy of Asgard, and Od- my Father.

I get up, walk to the vault and take the Tesseract; then I make my way to the stables, mount Galaxy and ride the Bifrost, to pay a visit to Jotunheim.

Lilly's pov:

The sounds of birds chirping and bubbling water gently lulled me awake, I felt the stone hanging around my neck, I was glad I was able to chip a hole through it last night, and it made a very pretty necklace I figured.

'It must be morning, it sounds so beautiful and peaceful,'  I thought, 'morning!'

My eyes snapped open and I sat up, "oh no!" I yelled in horror as I realized what I had done. I quickly stood up, brushed off the dirt from my damp dress and bolted for the familiar path home through the forest.

Thoughts were coming at me almost as rapidly as my heart was beating:

'Is Mother ok?'

'I didn't get her dinner!'

'I didn't get her medication last night!'

'I hope something hasn't happened!'

'What if she needs me?!'

I felt myself become shaky - from fear probably, and from my damp dress in the cold morning air, but I kept running. thirty minutes later I skidded to a halt in front of my front door, flung it open and ran to my Mother's bedroom.

"Oh Lilly! Where have you been? I was so worried about you!" Mother asked.

I dropped to my knees by her bedside in relief and took her hand in mine, "you've been worried!?" I exclaimed, "I've been so worried about you! I'm so sorry, yesterday I went for a walk and fell into the river, I had to dry off first, but it got dark and I fell asleep. I'll get you your medication and some breakfast right away. I'm so sorry."

She squeezed my hand so I wouldn't leave, "It's alright child," she assured me, reaching out and stroking my hair, "I am still able to walk a little you know, I managed to meet my needs last night and this morning. You are just to kind to me my darling, you should let me do something every now and again."

I sighed and rested my forehead on the edge of the bed, "I'm glad you're alright," I breathed, "I couldn't bear if something happened to you."

The rest of the day played out smoothly, and in the late afternoon I discided to work in the garden instead of going for a walk, I knew Mother would be fine, but still, I didn't want to leave her

 As I stood up from planting a flower, I had a sudden urge to try out my newly discovered power. Looking around to make sure no one was around, I held the smooth stone in the palm of my hand and pressed it to my chest. Suddenly a bright light erupted from me and the stone disappeared, then I saw a dove, the same pure while one of yesterday. I stared at it and it flew in front of me and suddenly burst into white mist and feathers; instead of staying still like last time, I stepped into the mist and twirled around in it. It covered me and then I felt that surge of power as wings appeared on my back; I wondered if I could use them to fly instead of just floating. So I tried to flap them by moving certain muscles in my back. To my utter surprise, the wings became tangible and moved when I wanted them to! Soon I was soring through the sky with my beautiful glowing wings.

"Lilly!" I hearted my Mother call, "have you planted the tulips yet?"

I quickly landed and then wondered how on Asgard I was going to get the stone out..

"I wonder..." I whispered and then simply took off the necklace and instantly the glow disappeared along with my wings, and there was the stone, hanging from the leather cord. Suddenly remembering my Mother's question I shouted from the garden, "uhh yes I have!" 

"Well come inside whenever you're ready," she replied.

"Will do," I answered and glanced over to a tree and my stomach dropped.

A shiver ran through me as I saw it. Something that was dark, something that made me tremble, not so much at its appearance, but at what I was sure it symbolized: Something bad.

Something terrible was about to happen, maybe it was warning me. I didn't like what I saw - it made my hands shake, especially since there seemed to be a dark gloom hovering over it. The gravity of what it symbolized shook me to my very soul.

A black dove.

Something bad was going to happen; suddenly it flew off of its perch, it's horrible, scratchy call echoing after it, in the direction of the palace. My heart almost stopped.


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