Chapter 18

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The song above is what this chapter is based on - it's actually what this book is based on. I heard it after infinity war, and it compelled to 'avenge' Loki and write a series - which I hope you guys are enjoying, please comment and tell me what you think. 

Lilly's pov:

I told Mother I would be back and ran for the palace; my legs ached but I didn't care, I had to get there. I wished to Vallhala I could fly, but for some reason, I couldn't use my stone, it wouldn't work. Maybe it was because I was so worried - it had worked the previous two times when I was calm. I ran as fast as I could, but it was a good three-hour walk to the palace; it was going to take me a very long time.

Twenty minutes later I had slowed to a jog, but my legs burned and my chest hurt, "I can't do this anymore!" I yelled at the deserted road, "I'm too exhausted."

I sat down on a large rock to catch my breath, but something was wrong, I needed to get there - to warn Loki; mustering up my strength, I broke out into a run again. Half an hour later I was sitting under a tree, not yet had I even made it out of the country town. I looked up at the sky and felt a tear slide down my cheek; the sun was setting - I wasn't going to make it in time.

Suddenly I heard a horse neigh and jumped up to see a young boy leading a horse, "excuse me!" I called running over, "may I borrow your horse? It's an emergency!"

The little boy of  I guessed about 12 looked relieved, "Papa was gonna sell 'im. I was gonna let him loose in the woods to keep 'im safe. Would you take im?"

"To keep?" I asked, almost speechless.

The boy nodded, "yes MIss. Please? Otherwise, a bad man's gonna have 'im."

"Of course," I replied, "I'll take good care of him, I promise. What's his name?"

"Star. I have to go," he replied, handing me the reins to star.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked.

"Hylem," he replied.

I took a deep breath, "I will never forget you Hylem," I answered, and he nodded, then was off before I could say another word.

Star whinnied and jolted me into action mode, glad he was already saddled I couldn't and spurred him into a full gallop towards the place.

30 minutes later...

"Come on boy!" I yelled, kicking him again as the palace came into view, "come on!"

It was now completely dark and I feared I was too late to warn Loki of whatever ill-fortune was looming in the very near, or already past future. To my far, far left I could see movement on the bridge - a horse and rider, and not just any horse - Galaxy! I still had at least ten full minutes until I would reach the bridge, so I spurred Star harder. Keeping my eyes on the bridge I gasped in horror as I saw Loki freeze Heimdall using the Tesseract. 

'Why would he do that? To use the sword? But for what?'

I saw ice spirals growing out of the Bifrost and felt a cold feeling in the bottom of my stomach - Jotunheim, he was going to destroy it. But Why? I knew our realms were enemy but this had gone too far - I had to stop him.

Suddenly Thor flew past me towards the Bifrost, he must have found a way back to Asgard! I turned towards the bridge, hope welling in me that he would stop Loki's plan. Keeping my attention focused on the brothers who now, sadly, were fighting; I galloped Star even faster.

I honestly expected the brothers to fight eventually - really fight each other one day - but I didn't think I'd ever see it. It was horrible - I loved Loki of course and didn't want him to get hurt, and even though I was on his side, I had to admit Thor had been nothing but kind to me, and I didn't want him to get either. 

I held my breath as I saw Loki hanging off the edge of the bride, and let it out in relief as Thor bent to help him. But suddenly Loki disappeared and twenty more of him appeared all around Thor - but he smashed his hammer down exposing the real one. I finally reached the bridge and that's when Star discided to put on the breaks. I nearly flung off that stupid horse when he abruptly stopped, "what are you doing?" I panted - exhausted from the ride, "move you a silly horse!"

I looked up and saw Thor set the extremely heavy Mjolmira down on Loki's chest, "Oh come on Star!" I yelled, "move!" And kicked him in both sides, thankfully he started moving again. I spurred him into a gallop and leaned forwards so we could move as fast as possible. I looked up and saw the Bifrost was nearly all covered in ice.

"Look at you, the Mighty Thor, with all your strength, and what good does it do you huh-aggh!" I heard Loki say then yell in pain as Mjolmira crushed his ribs.

I grimaced, "Thor take the cursed thing off him!" I screamed mentally and urged Star faster.

I was just about to look behind me to see how far I'd come when I heard a massive 'thud!' I turned and saw Thor starting to smash his hammer into the bridge where it connected to the Bifrost. Stars hooves pounding on the glass-like bridge matched the speed of my racing heart - so fast.

"If you destroy the bridge you'll never see her again!" Loki yelled to Thor.

'see who?' I thought and kicked Star even faster.

Then Thor smashed the bridge one last time causing a huge explosion; I pulled Star to a halt and shielded my face with my hands. When I looked I saw Thor and Loki hanging off the edge of the bridge with Odin holding Thor's leg; I started Star galloping again, relieved Odin was there, he would stop the fighting. When I finally reached the scene, I heard Loki say, "I could have done it, Father! I could have done it! For you!"

My heart broke at his words - so that's what this was, something to prove his devotion to his Father? Anger welled up in me against Odin, Loki was going to such great measures to earn his love, and the king wasn't giving any. I ran to the edge and knelt down, Loki noticed me and added, "for all of us!"

"No Loki," Odin said plainly.

A tear slid down my cheek, as I witnessed the hurt and 'I give up' look on Loki's Face. He had tried so hard to get his Father's affection, and never received it. This was the last straw, he had gone to the far measures of destroying an entire race, now that that hadn't worked and Loki was hanging off the edge of the bridge I feared what he would do next.

Loki's eyes met mine and I shivered - they looked so cold. So distant, so hurt, so sorry - that scared me. He reached out his free hand to me, and I reached down, expecting to help him up onto the bridge. He grabbed my hand and brushed his thumb over the back of it, "I love you, always have, always will; remember that" he stated shakily - and I could tell he was getting tired from holding on to Mjolnir. 

I nodded, "I will," I replied, "now come on, I'll help you up."

Loki looked up at me, "I'm sorry," He said.

"For wh-," I was cut off when he suddenly snatched my golden bracelet off my wrist. He then looked up at Thor, "take care of her Brother - please."

"Loki no!" Thor yelled.

I was so shocked, and what he did next broke my heart.

He let go.

Time seemed to freeze into slow motion, I frantically reached for him but he had already fallen far out of my reach.

"No!!!" My scream mingled with Thor's as Loki fell into the dark abyss below.

I had no idea where he would end up, or if he would fall forever, all I knew is that he was gone. I was never going to see him again. He left me alone, I knew he had had enough of trying to win his Father's love, but I never in my wildest dreams expected him to be willing to fall to his death because of it.

I thought I was enough, I thought he loved me, I thought he loved me enough to stay with me. I thought what we had was stronger than that. I thought we had a relationship that even Vallhala couldn't shake.

In that moment it all came crashing down. It all fell down in a moment. It all fell down. I thought we had built a Dynasty that nothing could ever break.

I was wrong.

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