Chapter 12

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Lilly's pov:

I awoke to the sound of the crackling fire and pleasant bird songs; turning over I saw Loki was up already, building up the fire, "what's the point?" I questioned sitting up, "it's not like we have any food to cook."

Loki threw another stick into the fire and walked over to me, "while you were still sleeping, I went and got us some," he responded with a smile, "I kept the dagger from yesterday and caught us a rabbit."

"Wow, those little creatures run fast," I stated, "you are the best shot there ever was, can we cook it now, 'cuz I'm starving!"

Loki laughed and helped me up, "we can," he replied.


An hour later I sat next to the fire fuller than I had been in a very long time, "hey about last night?" I brought up, "what did you mean about being able to read my thoughts?"

Loki looked at me with that adorable smirk and answered, "I can tell what you are thinking, how you feel and if I focus on a certain topic, I can tell your views on it. I can also talk to you through thoughts, and if you want, I can teach you to talk back."

My heart leapt in my chest, "I'd love to," I replied, "teach me."

Loki was true to his word, on the journey back to the palace he taught me how to reply in thoughts, and I learned how to read other people's thoughts and how to discern feelings. He also taught me how to recognise if someone was trying to read my mind and how to keep them out - which I was sure would be very helpful. I cleared the forest quite the educated woman that afternoon.

Soon the palace came into view and I let out a sigh of relief, "let's go find your mother," I stated, "then I'll go to mine - I hope she's alright."

Loki patted my shoulder sympathetically, "I'm sure she's fine, neighbours would have chipped in to help her."

I nodded, "I hope so," I whispered.

"Loki!" A voice called out.

We turned and saw a man in Asgardian armour running towards us, "Fandral!" Loki exclaimed walking over to meet him. Fandral gripped Loki's hand and pulled him towards him into the sort of guy hug, "where in the nine realms have you been?" He asked, "your parents have the whole kingdom searching for you for weeks!"

"It's a long story," Loki replied looking to me as I walked over, "Lilly and I were captured and help in a prison for weeks."

"Terrible," Fandral replied, "the Queen will have that place destroyed when it is found no doubt, she had been so worried for you."

Loki sighed, "poor Mother, how is she besides worrying about me?"

"She is a strong woman," Fandral answered, "she is hopeful that you will return, so you better go and affirm her hopes."

Loki nodded, "come, Lilly," he instructed taking my hand, before teleporting us to the palace.

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