Chapter 10

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Lilly's pov:

Luckily no one bothered Loki after that horrid night, maybe they figured he would never give in, and so were keeping him here for ransom; whatever the cause I was glad he had time to heal over the next two weeks. But with every passing day more and more hope let me that we would ever get out of that cursed prison. We were so tired, so filthy, so hopeless, I was scared to tell Loki how I really felt about him, but I guessed I would have to sometime since we were most likely going to die in there.

'I have to say something, we will never end up together, but I will resent if I died and wasn't able to speak the truth of my feelings,'  I thought, It was the middle of the night, but this couldn't wait, I felt myself growing weaker every day, so it was now or never.

I took a deep breath, "Loki?" I asked, gently nudging him awake.

He turned to and looked at me, "yes?" He answered.

I stared at him for a few seconds, the bruise of weeks ago was still faintly evident above his left eye, other than that, his skin had returned to it's usual flawless, pearl complexion.

"I, uh," I swallowed, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" He asked, frowning in concern, "are you alright?"

"Yes, well, no," I replied, "I will be once I've got this out," I drew in a deep breath, "I, I love you Loki; I, really, love you. I, want you to know I've felt this way ever since the day you taught me to use a bow and arrow. I've, I've fallen in love with you; but I was too scared to say anything in case you didn't feel the same way, but after everything you've done for me these past few weeks, I began to hope you might."

Loki stared at me and I wasn't sure whether he was shocked or relieved, I hoped the latter.

"Lilly," he started, "I love you too, you know that, but the first time I told you that back in the palace, I never got to finish my sentence, do you remember?"

My heart leapt inside me, as I nodded, "yes, I remembered," I replied.

Loki gently took my hand, "then allow me to finish it," he replied, "I'm - heh, I was, but now have completely fallen in love with you Lilly. The way you are so humble, gentle yet you are determined and confident. I also have felt this way ever since I taught you to use the bow, but I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you."

I dropped my gaze and a tear fell down my cheeks, I couldn't believe it, neither one of us had been brave enough to say anything this whole time we'd been in prison. He loved me, I knew that, but he loved me in the way I loved him; a smile crossed my face, and I looked up at him, my eyes glistening with tears, "thank you," I replied.

"No, thank you," Loki replied, and gently brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "my angel."

I stared into his blue eyes, "my Loki," I whispered, and realised our faces were only inches apart. I took a shaky breath as Loki cupped the side of my face, then I was being kissed and I practically melted. My dream had come true, I had finally found my soul mate, the love of my life, and I wasn't about to let it go, but the thing that broke my heart was that we would probably never get to enjoy our new found love. With that thought I broke the kiss and rested my forehead against his, "may as well not be a secret anymore," I whispered, "since both going to die in here."

"Hey," Loki stated firmly, holding me at arm's length, "don't speak like that, we're going to get out of here alright? And we're going to make it back home."

I sighed, "Loki, there is no way, it's impossible," I sighed sadly.

"It's not impossible," Loki replied, "because I have a plan; and it's going to work."

My heart rate increased suddenly, "really? What is it?" I asked.

"I noticed that every watch guard carries two daggers, we need to sneak one from then when they come to refill the water bucket. If we do it just before their meal break, they'll be distracted and won't notice. We will have one hour to hack off my power dampener, then teleport out of this cell, we also have to get out of the prison without being seen. But I think we can do it."

I sat gaping, silent until Loki gave me a questioning look, "I just," I started, "you're really smart."

Loki smiled at me, "I won't be able to do this without you," he stated, "what do you say?"

With a sudden burst of courage, I answered, "let's do it!"

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