~I messed up~

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Corbyn's Pov
I sat at end of my bed in the cold now empty guest room at lauren and Daniel's with my face in my hands and as I realised what I've done.
I've messed up, I messed up real bad.
Because of my stupid self I've lost the thing that was most important to me.
All because of that stupid stupid night.
I knew I shouldn't have gone, I knew it was a bad idea.
But no I went anyway because I'm stupid.

"Come on Corbyn" an intoxicated Jonah smiled "just have one of these" he said barely able to string a sentence together

"Jo really, I'm fine, besides someone needs stay mostly sober to take care of zach" I told him for the eighth time

"Corbyn, Zach's a big boy now, he can take care of himself and he has jack" he slurred handing me a red cup filled with an unfamiliar liquid

"What even is this Jonah" I asked swishing it round the cup

"Alcohol Corbyn, it's alcohol" he said putting his arm round my shoulder "drink it, I promise you you will feel better"

I sniffed the liquid and then took a sip
The fluid burned my throat as I let out a cough

"It gets better, have some more" Jonah said

I listened downing the rest of the cup and then whatever it was Jonah handed me next

We had been so worked up and stressed lately trying not to get dropped from Atlanta Records because we weren't putting atuff out.

That's why I agreed to drink what Jonah gave me, I needed a way to just have fun and be free for a while and forget that the live I love could be torn away from me soon because we decided to grow up and have kids and now we can't tour, at least international for a while.

I sat on my bed as that night flashed through my brain again, or what I could remember of it

Tears flowed down my face like a waterfall and there was nothing I could do about it

I messed this up

My fault

My stupid fault.

The night flew by and I just did whatever my thought told me to

The morning after the party I woke up on an unfamiliar couch with the worst headache I've ever had

I stood up and looked round realising that this was Harriet's  house, it was her house that we had the party at

'I must have passed out here' I thought to myself

I looked at my phone to see an abundance of messages from lauren and Daniel asking where I was, they must've left last night

I told them I was still at Harriet's and that I'd be home when I've found all out left stuff and called an Uber

"Hey Bean" Harriet smirked walking downstairs

"Umm hey Harriet" I said awkward

"Had fun last night didn't you" she asked with a wink

"I don't really remember it...like I remember arriving and that's about it" I laughed awkwardly

"So you don't remember this" she pouted as she pulled down her collar to reveal a large purple mark

"Wha...what's that" I asked

"You silly" she said pushing my shoulder and sat across my lap

I pushed her away scared "Look Harriet I was drunk and whatever that is I regret it, okay? Forget it ever happened" I said shaking "please"

"I'll try.." she said unconvincingly

I pushed her away from me and picked up Jack and Daniel's jumpers and Zach's shoes and walking out of the door slamming it

I'm such an idiot

"Hey Corby..." Daniel said walking into my room "What's up buddy?" He said kneeling in front of me

I haven't spoken to anyone since I got back home about an hour ago. But I know I have to before someone else does

But how do I even begin to explain to him what I've done.

"I messed up Daniel" I cried "I messed up real bad"

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