~ Hey Ebenn... ~

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Amy's Pov
The girls arrived at my door and I immediately hugged izzy
"I'm here for you girl" I smiled

"Thank you Amy" she smiled weakly

"But today, let's have fun and forget about boys" I laughed "right after I give these to Eb"

We walked up to my room and the girls helped me tape the test to the Inside of box and write on the front of it.

"Okay guys" I smiled "I think this is it" i said with a tonne of different emotions

"You got this" Lauren smiled

The girls went and sat on my bed while I was at my desk "hey babe" I yelled

"What's up" he replied

"Come here a sec" I said sounding as scared as I actually was

"Everything okay" he smiled coming into the room

"I mean yeah.." I trailed off patting the seat next to me

"What's wrong" he said looking worried

"I have this for you" I said taking a deep breath and picking up the box from the floor "what does it say?"

"Eat up, I don't want to be only one getting a big belly" he read confused "what do you mean...wait...do you mean..." he said growing a little excited

"Open the box and see" I said beginning to cry

"Oh...Amy" he widely smiled carefully taking off test from the box "Are you lying to me?"

I couldn't say anything but I shook my head as I cried

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He half stayed half asked, I nodded
"IM GONNA BE A DAD" he yelled starting to cry too

He stood up and picked me up hugging me "WE ARE GONNA BE PARENTS"

We stood there and hugged for a while crying happy tears, I can't believe it's going to happen to me, to me

"Congrats Guys" Sammy smiled

"Thanks Sammy" I smiled

My phone pinged and I looked to see a video from Lauren, she'd recorded his reaction

"Thanks" I smiled looking at her

"I can't believe this" eben smiled looking at the test

"I love you Eb" I smiled kissing his cheek

"I love you more" he replied taking me into a bear hug

"I'll see you tonight" I smiled "I promised the girls were gonna do something today, feel free to tell the boys, but wait to tell anyone else" I smiled as we headed out of the room "oh and don't talk to Corbyn for me" I whispered

He looked confused "I'll explain later" I whispered, he nodded

~*time skip*~

"STRIKKEEE" Sammy yelled

"Yesss girlll" Isabelle shouted as she gave her a high-five

"No fair" Lauren sulked "you always come bowling, unfair advantage"

"You wouldn't be saying that if you were beating me" Sammy laughed

"I...I...okay fair" Lauren sighed with a small laugh

"Okay so after round one" I said in my best referee impression "we have Sammy on 115 points, closely followed by izzy on 105, then Amy on 99 and finally in last place we have Lauren, on a whopping 83 poooint"

"Rematch anyone? A round two maybe?" Lauren said rolling her eyes in defeat

"Nah we haven't got time, the meal is booked in 20 minutes...sorry not sorry" Isabelle winked "plussss I'll never beat that score or get anywhere close again" she laughed

"Where we going for food?" Isabelle asked

"That's a good question" I added

"I saw this place that's new in the food area of the mall opposite, it's called Nando's I think" Lauren replied

"SHUT UP, NANDOS" I yelled excitedly

"Yeah...that's..that's what I said" Lauren laughed


"I mean...yeah" Sammy laughed

"Ah you don't get it, it's a british thing" I laughed

"You can take the girl out of Britain, be it for almost 10 years, but still you can't take The Britain out of the girl" Isabelle laughed "...but then again I don't blame you british couture is so so good, cough Fredos cough"

"I need to get my mum to send me some of those over" I laughed "Now come on guys, we're gonna miss our Nando's reservation"

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now