~i should've listened~

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Third person Pov
It's now 11 pm and Isabelle  just
arriving home

She went straight up the stairs in the empty house to her room and quickly changes Into some comfier clothes

~Snap Chat~

She wasn't lying, she was exhausted, but little did she know sleep was the last thing she'd be doing as of right now

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She wasn't lying, she was exhausted, but little did she know sleep was the last thing she'd be doing as of right now

She laid down on her bed and was met by the sounds of the ticking wall clock

Tick Tock

The same noise that had kept Corbyn awake that night

Tick Tock

She wanted to sleep, but she couldn't

Tick Tock

Thoughts began to fill her mind as the noise filled the room

Tick Tock

These thought brought her so many memories and happiness...but with that so much sadness

Tick Tock

All she could think about was that night when Gracie was born

Tick Tock

The look on Corbyn's face when he first held her, the tears streaming down his face as he smiled brighter then he ever had

Tick Tock

The first photo they had taken together, that the nurse had snapped as her and Corbyn looked down at their beautiful baby girl

Tick Tock

Isabelle started to feel an overwhelming wave of sadness hit her and, metaphorically, knock her right off her feet

Tick Tock

Ironically, she stood up and took the clock down the from the wall and proceeded to remove the batteries.

No more tick Tock noise

She laid back down and more moments filled her head like a life montage

But it was all the happy memories with Corbyn

She couldn't understand why or what was happening

But she figured it was her brains way of showing her that her heart was right, that Corbyn is a good guy, that he wouldn't and couldn't do that stuff like he said

"I believe you" she said aloud, chocked with tears "I believe you"

She picked up her phone and was intent upon the purpose of calling him

Then she realised it was 1:30 am

He'd be asleep

Or so she thought

Corbyn was also lying awake, but in Amy and Eben's  spare room

Silently crying to himself

He looked over at his phone

He wanted nothing more then to call Isabelle and just talk to her, hear her beautiful voice and talk to her

He wanted to get up right now and go to her...their house and hug her

But he knows in his mind that she doesn't want to talk to him, plus it's 1:35 am and she is working tomorrow, she will have to be asleep ready for the long day she had ahead of her

could I visit again tomorrow? He thought to himself

Nah, as if she'd have another conversation with me without calling security

How do you know until you try

I know because I know, stop being so stupid. You know it too

You say that, but have you spoken to her, she might want you to come

Stop lying to me and getting my hopes up

The voices in his head yelled at each other, I say his head, it was more his heart and brain

Meanwhile Isabelle had taken it upon herself to get up and get some hot tea, she needed to get to sleep so she could work tomorrow, but she wanted to see him more then anything

To stay up all night long and hear his voice talking back to her, but she couldn't.

She had to do what she needed to, not what she wanted to do

This upset her but that's just life right? She said to herself sitting down on her bed with the hot mug

"You know what?" Corbyn said to himself sitting up

"I'm going to do it, I'm going to go there tomorrow and talk to her, alone this time, I'm going to talk to her, that's all"

"Actually no" he said a few minutes later after thinking "I'm not just going to talk to her. I could call her to do that, I'm going to bring her some chocolates, and something else. I'm going to fix this mess that I didn't even make" he said huffing slightly at the last part

It wasn't you in the video Isabelle murmured in her head as she drifted off it wasn't you and I believe you

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now