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Third Person POV
It has been three weeks since Isabelle and Corbyn have officially been back together and they have told everyone, including the fans and everyone took the news amazingly

That is everyone except Harriet who kept doing everything in her power to make them separate again and to turn all the fans against them

In some cases this was working, Harriet had formed her own little army of limelights who kept making hate pages and spreading fake rumours about Corbyn and their relationship

The worst one being that their relationship was all just for clicks and likes

Corbyn and Isabelle had had enough of all the lies and arguments breaking out because of them

So they made a plan, they were going to expose Harriet,
But first they needed an insider

So they asked Amy if she could go over to Harriet's and try find out the tea
She agreed, and quite happily too

The next morning she was planning on going over there

Amy text Harriet saying that she wanted to her to expose Corbyn and Isabelle's relationship
Harriet immediately replied and told her to go over the next morning

It was on, game time.

Amy's Pov
I pulled up to Harriet's house and just wanted to burn it down and her with it...too far? Too far.
But like the amount of things she's doing to my best friends is awful and I'm so ready to exposer her for the lying bully that she is

I set off the tape recorder in my bag and headed to the front door plastering on a fake me as I went

"Heyyy girl" I said lathered in fake enthusiasm

"Heyyyyy" she replied in a similar tone "come in come in"

We went into her huge house and sat in the lounge

"So tell me, how can I start? Can you tell me everything? The story? The details" I said in an interested tone

"So basically before this I need to make you promise that what I say doesn't leave this room, it is 110% top secret and stays between us" she said dropping the tone and giving me a serious stare

"I promise" I said holding one hand up while crossing my fingers behind my back on the other

"Okay so, basically.." she started with an evil grimace "I hate Isabelle and Corbyn should be mine, I mean look at us, we are perfect for each other"

"Omg yes totally agree girl" I lied with a smile

"So I and my friend who often gets mistaken for Corbyn go out all the time together, get seen and photos taken, the fans start to make stories, they have fights.."

'Actually, they don't, Isabelle never looks at that stuff, and she wouldn't have seen it if you didn't send it to her' I though to myself as she spoke and I continued to smile

"And then hopefully one day, Corbyn was going to come crying to me"

'Oh please, your the last person he'd ever come to' I though

"And then we would be together...forever" she smiled in a sickly sweet way

"You totally should be" I lied once again

"And basically it wasn't working, so I talked to my friend and paid him to do all that stuff with me and then I took the audio and changed it a little to sound like Corbyn...and capeesh it's done" she laughed

'You sick sick person' I thought in disgust

"That's so smart" I said giving the most convincing look that I could "what else happened?" I asked trying to get every bit of information I possibly could

"As much as I hate her, I message Isabelle apologising all the time to try make her think about it even more, to hate Corbyn even more, so we can be together" she said wickedly

"Your a genius" I smiled fake smile

"Thanks girl...I'm so glad I got you in, your not to bad..you seem like the perfect best friend to me" she smiled rubbing to me up wayyy to close for my liking

"Yeahh totally girl, we need to hang more" I lied, after today I ain't ever gonna see this chick again

"So the plan" she said rubbing her hands together

"Oh do tell me" I smiled

"So basically, spread fake rumours, everywhere to everyone, anything you have agains her, use it, they will take it more seriously from you as your obviously one of her actual friends, unfortunately for you, but don't worry she won't be bothering you for much longer" she laughed

"Sounds great...can I just say anything?" I asked

"Absolutely anything, make up lies, say she's an awful person, I don't care just make everyone hate her like we do"

Okay princess, for a start I far from hate my friend, she's actually way way WAY more nice then you will ever be, she's actually amazing...but of course I have to play along

"Ugh I can't wait for everyone to finally see the real her"

I then pulled out my phone and messaged an 'x' to Lauren, signalling that it was time for the plan, that being her to call me and say I'm needed back so I can leave without having to stay for more then I need to...but it's all worth it...for izzy

"Sorry I godda take this" I said putting the phone to my ear and standing up

"Hey Lauren, hows it going?"
"Wait right now?"
"Can you not wait for me? I'm kinda busy?"
"Oh David's there, he wants me, okay"
"Yeah yeah, okay I'm coming, give me 15 minutes and I'll be there"

"You have to go already?" Harriet suckled

"Sadly" I sighed "but I'll definitely be coming back soon" i smiled

"Yay, can't wait, See you soon...bestie"

"Byeee Harriet" I smiled practically sprinting to the front door

I'm free, finally free from that girls house

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now