~what do i do~

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Corbyn Pov
I knew izz...Isabelle was in the house and I wanted to go try talk to her, be she wouldn't let me

she sounded so angry, but I could hear the sadness in her voice song with it, she was trying to hide it but I could read it like a book, with someone you've known since you were a kid you learn to know when they're sad or angry etc

But I went and blew that all away because I listened to jonah and drank, I don't blame him tho, it was my fault that I carried on downing the drinks all night

I'm married to my best friend and I've lost my world, Gracie.
I love her so so much, she has her mothers eyes and adorable smile and I'd love walking up with her in morning when Isabelle was out filming for her films and stuff

"Your so stupid" I yell at my reflection in frustration as hot tears rolled down my face

"Why would I even do that" I cried with my hands on the sink "I've thrown away a perfect life"

"Your so STUPID" I yelled again as I turned round and punched the wall

It's been four days now, no one will talk to me, No one.

The girls have all blocked me and the boys won't return my calls, the only time I saw them was yesterday when they were heading out of a meeting with David, they told me the meeting was later, like as they were leaving so David caught me up one on one, not that I was focusing at all

I can't do anything anymore, nothing works, I feel so broken.

It's so bad to the point where I forgot how to drive, I had to get an Uber to the store for groceries and walk back, because I wasn't going to go through that embarrassment more then once

My own Mom won't even talk to me, Isabelle's mom called her and told her and now my own mom won't talk to me

The only person that gave me a chance was Jordan, my brother, man I am grateful for him

He heard me out and he allowed me to actually get out...well words without being ignored or yelled at

I know he probably hates me too, but he made me feel so much better so I'm grateful

He told me to call him if I needed to talk and right now I feel like i have to before I end up punching a hole in a wall or something

I picked up my phone with shaking hands and clicked on his contact

Ring ring

Please pick up

Ring ring

Come on Jordan

Ring ring

Please please answer

Ring ring

Jordan? Please

Hey it's Jordan, sorry I cant come to the phone right now, I'll call you back as soon as I can, leave a message

Then the long answer tone sounded and I debated weather to leave a message or not

"H..hey Jordan it's uhh it's Corbyn, I could really use a chat right now" I chocked out "call me back when you can, bye" and I hung up

Walking back into the bedroom I threw my phone on the bed and flopped down next to it and just started crying again

Buzz buzz

It was my phone

Buzz buzz

I picked up the phone to see a no caller ID, I answered it anyway

"Uhh hello?" I forced out

"Hi is this Corbyn?" The lady spoke

"Umm ye..yeah that...that's me" I said confused "who's this?"

"This is Aspen, David's daughter, he told me to call you and tell you to come to the studio right now" she said softly "as soon as you can" she added

"O..okay" I said "bye Aspen, thanks"

"Bye corbyn" and she hung up

I got into my car and carefully thought through what I had to do, and then drove off to the studio

After talking to the lady at the front desk she told me 'they were in room 723'

They? Does that mean that they are all here

I want to go home, I can't..I have to

'No Corbyn' I said to myself 'you can't let David down'

I walked into the room and the conversation halted and all four guys turned round and glared evil looks at me

"Perfect, everyone's here. Have a seat next to Jonah" David smiled obviously oblivious to the situation

"Well boys, truth is, you need to get out there again, the fans want new music, touring, merch, a new book" he said looking at his notes "we have people working on a short book and merch, but you need to record an ep and get it out there at some point soon, I've also organised a small American tour"

"Wait we are touring again" zach said his eyes lighting up

"New songs?" Daniel said sounding exhausted

"Yes and yes, we have some old songs from the first album you guys did, we kept them, we can just edit the lyrics a little and record them, simple" he smiled

It's not tho is it? I said in my head as I rolled my eyes especially when you have to work with four guys who can't stand your guts

"Any questions?" He asks

"Yeah..um will we have to be in the studio all at the same time?" Jack said sending a subtle look my way

"Most of the time yes, but you'll have separate sessions too" he said "why is there a problem?"

"No no, I was just wondering" jack fake smiled, but David fell for it

"Okay perfect guys, See y'all soon" he said "meeting dismissed"

And with that everyone rushed out to their cars, except me, I had no reason to rush home anymore

I just can't take this anymore

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now