~time to do this~

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Third Person Pov
The time? 6:43 am.
Where is Corbyn? Heading to the stores to get what he had planned to get
Where is Isabelle? Heading to set to start another tiering day, she only starts at 7:30 but she needs to get costume and makeup and grab some food because the food they had on set was To. Die. For.

Corbyn had not slept much last night but instead sat there planning what he was going to do and or say today

He was going to go for chocolate and some forget me nots, Isabelle's favourite flowers

But then he remembered something he should've thought about sooner...considering he couldn't take his mind off of it for the past...however long he's been home

He walked into the kitchen and saw Isabelle's wedding ring laying there

As soon as he remembered about his he walked up to the desk, where he had moved it too, and picked it up then placing it down at the side of his bed next to his phone

He felt a sense of calmness knowing what he was going to do tomorrow, but also an overwhelming sense of anxiety. But he was going to do it, no matter what

He went to the store and instead of the flowers, he got strawberries and decided to still get the chocolates because who doesn't love a good chocolate...oh wait...Daniel doesn't....

Isabelle pulled up in her car and headed straight for her trailer, she still had 36 minutes, not that she was counting, to her self where she could eat something and get some coffee

Isabelle wasn't the coffee drinking type, but she had to stay awake, and it helped

Corbyn was arriving in his car on the parking lot of the film studio just as Isabelle was being called to set

He knew that she would briefly be going around this time so it gave him chance to go to her trailer and breathe this out before she returned in an hour, and by the time he's gotten through security he will probably only have 40 minutes depending on how long it takes

Corbyn's Pov
I pulled up at the gate and the same mad was there from the other day "Russell McIntyre wasn't it?" He interrogated

"Ye..yeah that was me" I stuttered remembering what Amy had called me

"What brings you here today?" He asked folding his arms

"I'm here to see Isabelle Besson, she's my friend" I smiled

"Right...and how long have you known her..?" He asked not convinced

"Since we were little kids. I can show you the pictures if you'd like?" I asked pulling out my phone "here is us aged 11 eating ice cream, us Skyping at age 15, and here is us together at a party aged 20" I said flipping through the photos

"I can't keep you here forever kid, go on through, but I'll be keeping a close eye on you" he said in a harsh tone as he pressed the button that allowed me to get through the gate

I head straight for where I was yesterday with Amy and Isabelle being careful not to be seen by anyone

I got into the trailer and took out the chocolate and strawberry's and put them on the table and then took a seat at it, looking at the time realising that I had about 10 minutes before she should come back

The nerves started to hit me hard. My breathing began to spread up and my heart began pounding as I reached into my pocket and took out the silver ring with the daintily little diamond

"I hope this works" I whispered to myself

Then I heard the door opening...this is it, it's time.

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now