~the truth~

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Isabelle's Pov
Me and the girls are sat in the kitchen as I'm giving Gracie her breakfast, some egg on toast

My phone started to ring "it's an unknown number" I said in confusion

"Answer it" Lauren said quickly "you never know what it could be"

"He..hello?" I said but as more of a question

"Hello, is this Isabelle Besson" I cringed at the last part

"Yes, that is she" I replied "Can I help you?"

"Well actually yes, we are hosting auditions for the new live action Aladdin movie, and we have seen you and your work and we think you'd be perfect for the roll of Jasmine, if you'd be interested we would be very excited to hear back from you soon" said the man

"I..I'm honoured, I would absolutely love to take the roll, could you message me or my agent with more information?" I said excitedly

"Of course, thank you for your time Isabelle"

"No thank you" I smiled

"See you soon"

"Bye" I said hanging up and then screaming "Aaahhhhh!!"

"Who was that?" Sammy asked eagerly

"Let's just say, yours truly may have just got an offer for a new live action Disney remake" I squealed excitedly

"Shut up" Amy said in her overly Northman british tone so it came out sounding more like 'sur uup'

"Omg I'm so happy for you" Lauren smiled

"Life ain't all bad see" Sammy smiled

Corbyn's Pov
I came all the way here but I feel like it was all for nothing, for a start I have no idea where she even is

And even if I found her, what would I tell her?

I knew this was a bad idea. I should've thought it through properly.

I stare down at my phone and then my phone lights up...it's a message from Harriet

'Hey Bean, let's hang out again 😉'

God why didn't I block her already, I can't believe she made me...well ruin my life

I open my phone and finally block her contact like I should've done long ago

I then see a message from Jonah, it's a picture

I open it and see a snap of Harriet talking to some guy, Jonah is typing a message to go along with this

This dude better have a good reason for sending me this

Came out to Starbucks and saw her sat here, the only table left was behind her, so I took it not realising at first it actually was her

Corbs 💙
Um okay..?

Jo 🐻💚
But you didn't met me tell the whole story yet

Corbs 💙
Oh, well please do go on

This is the conversation I heard, and well recorded
"I still can't believe that I..well we tricked that stupid fandom into thinking that Corbyn cheated haha" -Harriet

Corbs 💙
Wait what..? Did you hear anything else??

Jo 🐻💚
Yes actually, This dude sat next to her, looks actually kinda like you from the back, same hair and similar height, he says "it was so easy to get that recording to send to Isabelle then 'leak' from the drama pages HA"

Corbs 💙
Wait so...it wasn't me? It was them?

That's what I was thinking, I knew it didn't add up

Was there anything else you heard?

Yeah, a little
"And now everyone thinks I'm  the victims of being forced into that situation by Corbyn Besson himself" Harriet laughed, like full on almost spat her coffee on this dude

Corbs 💙
I'm sorry, what? So backtrack a sec This wasn't me? It was all a hoax??

That's what I'm thinking man, I mean why else? The last thing I heard was "I can't believe how much our follower count has sky rocketed, it's amazing, I was on 12.6k and get this, now I'm on 3 million HA and it keeps climbing"

Corbs 💙
So this was all some sick game? For followers?

It seems like that

Corbs 💙
Did you say you recorded it?

Yeah, you want me to send you it?

Corbs 💙

*attachment video*

Corbs 💙
Thank you so so so much Jonah, I owe you literally anything and everything, like actually. Thank you.

Jo 🐻💚
No problemo me amigo

Corbs 💙
See you soon Jo

I looked down at my phone and cried happy tears, but also anger towards Harriet, but for now, I have a mission, I have to get my girl back.

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now