~lets talk~

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Isabelle's Pov
I stepped closer to the figure "take your glasses off" I say to them

The person slowly pulled down their hood to reveal bleach blond hair

"Amy I swear.." I say half realising who it was but not wanting to believe it

"He...hey Izzy," he said taking off the shades

"Get out" I half yelled walking away from the door

"You too Amy, leave" I snapped

I turned towards the door to see him still standing there but Amy had gone and the door was shut


Make that locked...how the heck did she lock the door... I don't even know

"Guess we're stuck in here together" he said timidly

"Well find a way out then" I said bluntly

"I..I need to talk to you first" he spat out

"I don't want to hear it" I said trying to open the escape hatch

"Izzy please"

"Don't call me that"

"Listen to me, Isabelle please, we're stuck in here till I tell Amy we've talked anyway so you might as well give up now and listen to me"

"Are you serious"

"I would never lie to you Isabelle" he said looking straight into my eyes

"This better be good, and this better be quick" I huffed as I took a seat

"Okay...so....to start I just got to say, let me finish talking before you react okay?" He said slowly as he came and sat across from me

"Fine whatever"

"Okay so, that night, I passed out on the couch before you even left, and I stayed there till the morning, it wasn't me who slept with Harriet, and I know it sounds completely crazy, but it's not. I knew in my mind that I couldn't do that, that I love you too much to do that, even after all the alcohol in the world I could not and would not do that to you, you know that Gracie and yourself are my whole world Isabelle, I wouldn't go and throw that all away especially for something as pathetic and stupid as a one night stand" he said as tears started to flow from his eyes

"How do I know you're not lying, Corbyn, I mean come on you expect me to just forgive you like that" I said after a short pause

"Ask Jonah, he saw Harriet and some dude in a cafe together talking about what they had done to set me up" he cried looking into my eyes

"And as well you could've told Jonah to say that..." I trailed off

I wanted to believe him I really really did, more then anything but my gut won't let me. It's telling me he is lying that he doesn't really deserve to even have my time to talk to me, because of what he did

You know he can't do that
But he did
What If he's telling the truth?
What if he's not?
I want to believe him
Do you tho? He's L Y I N G
You don't know that
I can tell

The voices fought in my head yelled at each other

Do I believe him? Do I not?

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now