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3rd Person Pov
Amy arrived back at Lauren's where everyone was sat waiting, they were going to all work together on whatever they could to stop the nasty 'fans' who were making their lives a living hell anytime any of them tried to go anywhere or do anything, especially Isabelle and Corbyn

"heyyy" Amy shouted as she came through the front door "I'm heree"

"were in the lounge" Jonah replied

"Oh boy do I have things to tell yous" Amy said entering the room

"tell us everything" Sammy smiled as Amy took a seat

"well lets just listen to this, shall we?" Amy responded pulling out the tape recorder she had used to record the conversation

the group sat there in anticipation listening carefully to each syllable spoken all of them pulling astonished looks, by the time it ended about 10 minutes later their jaws were on the floor

"i know right" Amy laughed "its so bad" she added with a litter more seriousness

"So what is the plan then?" Lauren asked eagerly

"Well I was thinking we could all make a post or go live to explain it all?" Eben suggested

"I was thinking the same" Jonah added

"I think that's the best way to do it, let's cut the audio down, explain what went on and all post the same thing at 2:30 and then go live at 3" Corbyn smiled with a glimmer of relief in his eyes

"Let's do this" they all said together

The guys, well mostly Eben and Daniel, took the audio and got to splitting it up into what was needed and so it would fit to instagrams stupid layout of 60 second clips

The girls got to work notifying that there would be a live video at 3:00 pm to everyone's socials. Telling them it would be done on the band account

Eben sent all the videos to everyone and they typed out the same caption
'Hey guys, so we would like to address some rumours going round, the rumours that are completely false, we have learned that we can't trust everyone we thought we could and thanks to that the last months have been lived in hardship due to this person, she's lying and she admitted it (videos)
Now we usually wouldn't and don't react to drama but with this it's different, everyone is turning on 1/5 of the band and his wife, and it was starting to become a problem to even go outside without someone shouting these lies at us, hope you all will understand and please stop,
love the WDW family x'

The time was approaching 2:30, 8 minutes till then to be precise

"Is everyone almost ready?" Amy smiled

"Yep" Sammy smiled

"Yeah" lauren smiled

"Of course" izzy smiled

"So ready" all the boys said together

"Three...two...one" they all said together a few minutes later, counting down to sending the posts out to the world

As they all pressed send relief shone in Corbyn and Isabelle's eyes and smiles

"Okay are y'all ready to go live?" Lauren Asked 30 minuets later

"As I'll ever be" they all replied

Everyone got into position around the camera and Eben reached across and started the video

After the connection had been secured millions of people tuned in immediately and started flooding the comments with their opinions on what was posted

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now