~ decisions ~

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Isabelle's Pov
I had so much fun with the girls, they always know how to make me smile, but obviously all good things come to an end and now I'm back where I started.

Except I'm not with Gracie, Sammy offered to have her over as the twins missed her and also to give me a sec to get my head straight if you get me

I'm sat on the bed in my house right now, alone. I have no idea where Corby...he is but I told him I'm coming back so not to bother

I sit on the bed clutching the shirt he wore when he proposed to me balling my eyes out I don't get why he'd do this, he had a perfect life with a wife and a kid and he went and blew all that, for what? That damned girl. I knew she gave me bad vibes, I didn't want to believe her messages, but the video I just..

My thoughts were Interrupted by my phone calling, it was my mom

"Hey" I said deflated as I accepted the call

"What's up honey?" She asked

"A lot" I said wiping away a few tears "but now isn't the time, what's up?"

"I was calling to see if you and Corbyn had given any more thought into moving back out here" oh gosh yeah, I completely forgot about that, I meant to tell him but looks like he ain't gonna be talking to me anytime soon

"We haven't really had any time" I lied as I quickly thought "but I might come down with Gracie soon to visit"

"Oh please do, me miss you" I could hear her smile

"You know what, mom I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going to hop on the first flight home" I weakly smiled

"I'm so excited to see you honey, and Gracie too"

"Bye mom, see you soon"

I got to packing mine and Gracie's bag then hopped onto my computer and looked at flights and found there is one at 10am tomorrow, perfect.

I message Sammy telling her I'd be there early to get Gracie and she said it was fine because they'll be up anyways

I'm so lucky to have friends like that, I'm gonna miss them

If you hadn't gathered so far, the plan is to go home, and probably stay there too

There isn't really anything to be out here for to be honest. Apart from my friends but I can always visit them and vice verser and there's also a huge theatre company that makes films and tv shows in my state too, I can always try move from what I do now to tv right? I mean not to brag but I'm pretty well known so if I audition I'm sure to get some sort of role right? I mean even if it's a tiny one it's still a start

To be completely honest I've been thinking about moving back home for quite some time now and this was kinda what did it for me, I wanted to go back with him but I'd be holding him back from being with the band and whatnot and his whole life is out here so I can't expect him to drop it all and just move because of my idea

This is what did it for me, I don't have him holding me back anymore and after what my mom reminded me I think I'm going to do it

Maybe I'm not thinking straight

I don't know, it's a big move to go all the way from Cally to Nashville

I'll talk to my mom tomorrow and see what she says, I'll talk to Lauren too, she always seems to be good at giving me level headed advice, Same with Amy and Sammy

"Hello" I hear a voice yell up the stairs...it's him

Ah heck no I told you to stay away

"Izzy I know your here somewhere, please let me talk to you, let me explain" he said sounding sad

I'm not letting him guilt me into forgiving him, no what he did was wrong and that's that

I got up and locked the door "leave Corbyn" I said sternly

"Izzy plea.." he started

"It's Isabelle" I corrected angrily "and you need to leave so I can do the same, this house is allll yours if you give me 10 minutes to get out" I snapped not really knowing what I was saying

He gave up and I headed shuffling feet heading towards the front door, and then it gently opening and closing

"Hey Jack" I said as I picked up my phone dialling his contact

"Everything okay?" He asked quickly, I've always known jack was one of my closest friends and it's true to this day, he can read my expressions, even vocal like a book

"Not really, could I maybe stay at yours tonight, if it's not any trouble" I asked sheepishly

"You know that spare room is yours any time you need it" he said warmly "Gracie can come too" he laughed gently

"She's with Sammy and the twins" I laughed softly

"Ahh even better" he laughed "See you soon izzy"

"Thanks again jack" I smiled "See you soon" I hung up

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now