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Daniel's Pov
"Corbyn what did you do?" I Asked growing worried, I've never seen him this shaken, ever.

"I...I.." his voice shook, he couldn't string a sentence together

"Come on buddy, it's okay, just tell me" I smiled placing a hand on his arm

"CORBYN WHAT THE HECK" Lauren yelled running into the guest room

"Woah woah Lozzy calm down" I said calmly walking over to her

"No daniel, not now, Corbyn get out of this house, now" she said sternly glaring daggers at him

"Can someone tell me what's going on here" I said stood in the middle of Lauren and Corbyn, I've never seen Lauren this mad, or Corbyn this scared

"I will when he has left" she snarled storming out of the room

"I'm sorry" he croaked "I'm leaving now. And I...I deserved that" he said barely above a whisper

He gave a depressed look and picked up his jacket and walked out of the room and down the stairs and outside

"Okay lauren explain" I said confused walking into our room

"This" she said angrily as she passed me her phone

"That's who's house we were at least night right?" I said looking at the Instagram page

"Yep" she said annoyed "look at her recent post"

I looked down at her phone and pressed the post, it was a blank screen with words, I read it in despair, then I noticed there was another picture, it was her, with a huge hickey on her neck

"How do you know she's not lying" I said not wanting to believe that my best friend would do that to his wife "it's not hard to make this stuff up"

"Izzy called me sobbing, she said the girl sent her a video of ..it..and apologised saying that she was forced into it" she said sighing "I didn't know Corbyn was capable of that but here we are I guess" she said sitting next to me and resting her head on my shoulder "I also told izzy it was okay for her to come over here with Gracie, until she figures out what she's going to do"

"Good" I smiled half heartedly "wouldn't want her to be stuck"

The door bell rang and Lauren and I went down to help izzy with her bag and the baby, izzy was in tears, I've never seen her so upset

"If you want I'll take care of Gracie for a while and you and Lauren can go out do something, maybe even invite the other girls, and just have some fun and forget about him for now" I smiled, trying my best to help with the situation

"Thank you Daniel" Lauren smiled

"Are you sure you don't mind? She can be a little bit of a handful sometimes" Isabelle said

"Of course I don't, she'll be good for uncle Dani, won't you Gracie" I said bending down to her carrier and booping her nose causing her to giggle

"Thank you Daniel" she smiled hugging me

"Yeah, thank you so much Dani" Lauren smiled kissing my cheek and then heading out the door with Isabelle

I took Gracie out of her carrier and into the lounge and put on some cartoons, not gonna lie I think I was more entertained by spongebob then her it was fine because she was laughing and gigging away to herself

"Oh Lunch time Gracie" I smiled picking her up and heading over to the bag Isabelle left her and taking out exactly what Lauren text me to do when feeding her

Man watching this baby and seeing her laugh and smile makes me want kids of my own, maybe one day, maybe soon.

Lauren's Pov
I called the girls and told them we needed to meet up and do something and they all agreed to bowling and then for a meal, but before we do all of that, Amy was going to tell Eben she was pregnant today and she asked us to pick up the doughnuts she ordered on our way to her's

Aahh I'm so excited to see his reaction

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now