~im sorry~

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Corbyn's Pov
"so can I uhh..get you a coff.." I started

"I'll have a peach tea please" she said taking a seat

I came back and sat down with the two drinks a few minutes later

Lauren set her phone down on the wooden surface and looked up at me as she took a sip

"Thanks" she said after a long, awkward, pause

"N..no problem" I forced out

More awkward silence followed so I just went straight in for it "so about the situation" wow Corbyn of all the things to say, you chose this

"Yeah, what about it" she said taking another sip

"It wasn't me...i..in the video" I said

"Really? That's all you got" she said raising an eyebrow "Corbyn I want to believe you, your my husbands best friend and bandmate and I don't want to hate you, but right now I kinda do, if you did it just fess up and apologise"

"But lauren I'm not lying, I swear, Jonah was the one that told me this" I blurted out

"Right okay sure" she said rolling her eyes

"Honest Lauren, call him and see if you don't believe me" I said with pleasing eyes

And as if by magic, Lauren's phone began to vibrate on the table, 'Jo🐻💙' being the person calling her

She looked down at it with a slightly scared face causing me to chuckle a little

"He..hey Jonah" she said

I couldn't hear the whole conversation only Lauren's replies

"No, I'm not with her, I'm out getting a drink" she said

"Yeah I'll let her know"

"While your here could I..could I ask something real quick"

"Well right now I'm with...I'm with Corbyn"

"And he told me about what you saw"

"So you actually did see and hear it"

"Are you lying to me jonah"

"Okay, thank you, I'll talk to you soon"

"Bye jo"

"Okay, I half believe you, Jonah said there was a video?" She said but as more of a question really

"Yeah" I said hurriedly as I pulled out my phone and opened my camera roll finding the video "he..here" I said handing her my phone

She turned up the volume and held it close to her face

I saw her face dropping as she watched it

"I..Corbyn that still looks like you, how am I meant to know that you and Jonah didn't come up with some elaborate plan to do all this" she said hesitantly

"Go to messages and go on Harriet's contact and read the messages" I said messing with my hands as I looked down at the wooden table "you can check the number agains the one you have for her"

She did as I said and looked at the number and checked it against the one that was on her phone screen "okay the number matches" she mumbled
She carried on looking and she started to shake her head

After a few minutes she set down the phone saying nothing and then walked over to me and hugged me "I'm so so sorry for not believing you" she said quietly

"It's okay, your Izzy's best friend, it's your job to be protective of her and look after her" I said with a weak smile

"As soon as I get back to LA I'm going to absolutely murder that b.." she started angrily

"Lauren no, you can't" I interrupted "you can't sink down to her level, your a good person and hats below you...plussss it wouldn't be good for your image if you were on the news for murdering someone" I added with a weak laugh

"I'm so sorry Corbyn, I should've talked to you before I just assumed, I knew in the back of my mind you could do no wrong, but the video, The messages, the post on Instagram, and Isabelle, I just didn't see straight" she said as she started to get glossy eyes

"Hey Lauren it's okay, listen it's not your fault, if I were you I'd have done she same" I said trying to make her feel better

"I'm going to make this up to you Corbyn, I'm going to help you" she smiled

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now