~i'll help you~

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Corbyn's Pov
"Thank you Lauren, thank you so much" I smiled

"You're welcome...but just a quick question" she said trailing off slightly oh no

"What's up" I asked

"Well...your song...on Instagram...why'd you said that izzy was dancing with another man?" She asked doing air quotes over the last part

"I..I kept falling asleep all the time and having the same dream...well nightmare...that was a few years in the future and I was out and I kept seeing izzy and Gracie walk-in about with another man...it tore me apart inside and I couldn't help but think that, that is what's happening, I know it was wrong but..." I said with my head down "paranoia got the best of me"

"Aahh, I get it, I get it" she nodded "it's just, she's been getting a heck tonne of hate for it...that's all"

My eyes began to tear up as I imagined Isabelle sat there stressed or crying over the hate I caused her to get your such an idiot Corbyn

"I..I'm so sorry" I chocked out

"You need to be saying that to her, not me" she said

"But she won't let me near her" I said in defeat

"And that's where I'll come in and help" she said with a small smile

"But how Lauren, it's absolutely hopeless" I shrugged looking down

"Not completely, I have a few ideas"

"Like what" I said with a twang of hope in my tone

"Well brining you back to her's now is a bad idea, because she'll kill the both of us" Lauren said with a small laugh "buttt in a few weeks she's starting filming for a new movie she got offered the lead role in, so she can't leave set no matter what until she has finished filming for the day, so while she's on a break, I can come see her and you can come with me, she will have to stay and listen to you, and that gives you about 45 minutes to talk and smooth things out" she finished with a smile

"I don't know Lauren, that seems a little far fetched.." i said losing a little hope "do you really think they'd let me into set?"

"With my help yes, and if you take Gracie too, you can if all else fails just say your taking the baby to visit her mom" she shrugged

"This just might work" I said with a half smile

"Well what can I say" Lauren said with a weak laugh "good luck Besson" she smiled

"Thank you so much Lauren" I smiled

"I have to go now, the guys will be waiting for me, but I'll text you soon about dates etc, and I'm pretty sure they are going to have to film back in LA so that should make things a little easier" she smiled

"I hope so" I said as she stood up and hugged me

"Thanks for the tea" she smiled "I'll see you soon"

"Bye lauren"

Lauren's Pov
It must've been him in the airport aahhh I knew it
But more importantly, he's innocent
Or at least it seems to be that way, I trust Jonah, he's like a big brother to me, he wouldn't lie especially not about this

This means that Isabelle and Corbyn are wrongly separated because of Harriet

I can't believe this, she was my friend, In fact she still thinks she is, I'm going to actually murder her when I can get my hands on her and her evil ways

But Corbyn's right, I can't stoop down to her level, buttt I could accidentally expose her to my fans and the boys fans, but accidentally obviously

I hurriedly walked back to Isabelle's moms house with the food I was asked to bring back by all the girls, we were gonna watch a film and have some tea before we had to fly home tonight

"I'm backkkk" I yelled as I walked through the door

"Heeyyy" Amy yelled in response

"I have the food" I shouted and suddenly a stampede came hurtling towards me. Yup, these guys haven't changed since...well as long as I'd known then

Now the only hard part is not mentioning any of this to the guys

"Have y'all seen this?" Sammy said turning her phone round as Isabelle went upstairs to take Gracie to bed

"Wait is that.." Amy Asked and Sammy nodded

"That's corbyn, he's here in Nashville, some fan saw him today in a coffee shop with some girl apparently, but none has any proof of that, as per usual with the limelights, always causing drama" Sammy laughed "but this is a pic of him in downtown next to that statue we saw yesterday" she said

This is gonna be a lot harder then I thought

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now