~please listen~

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Corbyn's Pov
I wandered down the unfamiliar streets trying to get my head around what happened

Isabelle isn't going to want to talk to me no matter what I do

I look down at my phone to see an unknown number trying to call me

"He..hello?" I said, or rather asked

"Corbyn, it's Harriet" all the anger in me suddenly burst out

"Harriet leave me alone, I can't wait to expose you for the person you a.."

"Listen Besson, you will tell no one about this...and if you do, well let's just say you'll regret it" she said in a bitter sweet tone

"Harriet what is all this for" I said in frustration

"That's for me to know and for you to...well never know" she laughed

"Why me Harriet"

"Why not" she laughed and then hung up

I hung my head as tear began to fall from my eyes

If I see Isabelle I'm going to tell her, I don't care what Harriet says

But what I am scared about is how the band will Be effected by whatever Harriet has

I walked down the road with my headphone in blasting my favourite song not having a destination in mind

I just needed to get my head around what was going on
And think how I'm going to get anywhere near Isabelle, especially while the girls were here

They would for sure rip my head off, I know they've joked about it before...but the thing is, I don't think they are kidding, although I did notice that Lauren and Sammy have both been on my profile on Instagram

Probably not for a good reason, but hey I mean at least they hadn't blocked me like I thought they had

Completely lost in thought I walked into someone as I tuned to go into the corner cafe I saw on my way to the hotel yesterday

That wasn't just any girl..

"Co..Besson?" She said confused not sure if it were me or not "what the hell are you doing here?" she said as she observed that it was in fact me

"Um yeah hi..I uh..I came to talk to isabe.."

"Don't go anywhere near her" she snapped "you disgusting piece of trash"

"Lauren please...let me talk to you" I begged

"Save your breath Besson" she spat "and go home"

She started to walk away before she spun round and quickly said looking down at me " don't even try to talk to or come near izzy or any of us girls again"

Tears started to sting at my eyes as I watched her walk away, no Corbyn, don't let her leave, now is your chance

"Lauren Wait" I said weakly while grabbing her wrist "your not going anywhere till I say something to you, please come sit down with me, for five minutes and after if you still don't want to talk to me, I'll go back home to la and I'll never talk to any of yous again"

"Why should I " she said, her voice laced with anger and sorrow

"Because I'm innocent Lauren" I said as tears began to spill from my eyes

"give it up Besson, and go home" she said irritated and fed up

She snatched her wrist away from my arm "Lauren listen to me, I have proof okay, well Jonah does, it's a long story, just please let me explain" I said as tears continued to fall from my eyes

"I swear to god if your lying to me Besson, it's the last thing you'll ever do"

"Thank you Lauren" I said wiping away a few tears "let's go sit down in here, I'll get you a drink"

"Whatever Besson" she said rollin her eyes and following me

Something annoyed me about how she wouldn't say my first name, called me only by Besson, it's as if she felt like she didn't know me anymore, like I was some stranger to her, that or she couldn't stand even saying my name...probably the second one

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now