~i see you~

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Hello people, I just want to apologize again for not updating, please know that I am trying really hard to get updates out every single day, but at the moment I'm finding it hard to have motivation to write, that's why it's taking so long ill wrote a half-hearted chapter but then delete it and rewrite it because it's not up the standard of the rest of this book, please know that I'm trying, love you all, enjoy this new chapter (: x

Corbyn's Pov
I'm back in LA and have been for a few weeks now

I'm staying at Lauren and Daniel's, Dani offered to let me stay after what he did to Lauren, not believing her when she said she was with me because he felt so bad

Isabelle's coming back to LA tomorrow getting ready for the new movie she got the lead in, the girls told me when they were told

Lauren and Isabelle still aren't talking because Lauren got blocked and Izzy won't let anyone tell her any different then what she thinks

Tomorrow is another event too...what would've been mine and Izzy's 5 year marriage anniversary

I'm talking about today as if it's the morning, it's not, It's actually 11:30 pm and I can't sleep, thirty more minutes till tomorrow

I don't want tomorrow to come around, it's just...I don't know if I can face it

But that's not the way to think, I can't think like that.

I need to be positive

Who am I kidding? how can I be positive about this

Isabelle's coming back tomorrow, that's a good thing right? More time and chance for me to try to see her

But she's not coming back with Gracie, Amy told me how she's staying back at home with her grandma

Don't get me wrong, I love Izzy's mom

But Gracie is my child, my pride and joy, my world

I love and miss my baby so so much, that's what's destroying me more than anything else

Every night all I can do I lie here and stare at the ceiling thinking about my precious baby girl and her momma

And the fact that if I don't do something soon I'm going to lose them both and I can't do that. I CANT.

Come on Corbyn you can do this.

5 minutes till midnight.

I revise over the plan in my head. It's a long shot, but I'm hoping and praying that it's gonna work.

~~time skip~~

There has been a slight change of plan, because they more he likely won't let Lauren and I in, especially together, so Amys going to take me down to set in a small disguise and I'm going to act as her personal assistant or something like that
I'm waiting for Her to arrive at Daniel's house now
I really hope this works.

I do find it kinda unfair how she literally got into la this morning and now she has to go straight out to work, but then again she shouldn't have  booked the flight earlier, so my fault I guess because she won't have done because she will have been scared of bumping into me

Just as planned Amy arrived at exactly 8:45 Just enough time to get there and get in before what Amy had been told was her break at 9:30

We sat in the car and it became an awkward silence after a few moments where we shared a little conversation

I kept trying to think of words to say but nothing came out of my stupid mouth. Amy, noticing the awkwardness turned the radio on and then cranked it up to a decent, hearable volume and then she started very quietly aiming  along to the tune

"You don't have to be so quiet singing, you have an amazing voice" I smiled

"Thanks Corbyn" she said returning the smile

She then increased her singing volume and I also started to sing along to the song on the radio, it was don't kill my vibe. One from Sigrid's first album she has gotten pretty big now, we met her at the last award show we went to, such a sweet girl

I was taken out of my trance by the car coming to a stop by a barrier

"Name and reason for visitation" said the huge guard in a monotoned way

"My name is Amy Franckewitz, I'm here to see Isabelle Besson, she's my friend" she said politely

"And who's that"

"This is my assistant, Russell McIntyre" she said thinking quickly

"One moment please" he said stepping back into his box to what I can only presume was to call through and ask, please work

"Alright, go through, studio 47 and her trailer is number 52" he said as he pressed the button to lift the barrier

"Thank you" Amy smiled as she drove through

"Russell McIntyre?" I asked laughing

"Hey it was quick thinking and those are my two favourite comedians, Russel Howard and Michal McIntyre" she laughed

"Fair enough" I laughed

We pulled up to studio 47 and I put on my hat and glasses. Then following Amy, we walked into the studio
And there she was

She's so beautiful, well that's not really the right words for it, but it will have to stay at that for now

She was centre stage..well centre set and she seemed to be halfway through a scene with two other guys, she's so talented

I stood there and just watched in complete awe

She's, simply the best

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now