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Isabelle's Pov
I got to the airport just as Amy messaged me saying they had landed

I went to the cafe and got us all a drunk and waited for them all to come through the gate

After a couple minutes they arrived looking very sleepy, it was about 10 am here so everyone was starting to get up and start their day and the hustle and bustle of daily life started

I handed them their drinks and they all hugged me as we walked out of the airport and towards my moms minivan that I was borrowing to get everyone and their bags

The coffee I got them all seemed to really enhance their awareness and soon after drinking it they were all wide awake and ready for a brand new day
"We Let the good times roll" we all sung...well more screamed as the radio came on and one of Eben's first songs Roll began to play

Amy sent a video to her snapchat story of us all jamming out with a caption 'so proud of how far you've come bub' and then tagging him

I miss being able to do that, but its okay, I just smile and as convincingly as I can happily hum along to the next tune that was playing on the radio

After arriving back at my family house we put all the bags in the attic converted room, where we would be staying while they were here

We sat on the king sized mattress and chatted while we mindlessly scrolled through Instagram

Then I heard something and my whole world came crashing and tumbling, the smile that had began to be real faded away and my eyes became glossy

Sammy was looking through some fan pages, as she often did, and a song was playing, a familiar voice and a familiar melody

It only played for a few seconds before Sammy muted it, but I'd recognise that voice anywhere, and that melody

It's was a sort of soothing thing he used to hum to me when I was having having trouble falling asleep

I let out a deep sigh as a tear rolled down my face "I miss him" I said quietly

"It's tough, Isabelle but your tougher" Amy smiled hugging me
Soon enough we were all in a hug, I love these girls

We decided to go out to the mall for the day, my mom offered to watch Gracie while I was out and I decided to let her, my mom adores her so much and Gracie is such a grandmas girl

~~time skip~~

Everyone was asleep right now except me, and I'm not storied it is 1:30 am
I've been having trouble sleeping lately, I usually scroll through my Instagram to distract myself but all over my feed and my dms are just a tonne of hate saying awful things, these fans don't miss a thing, but also Corbyn posted that video...I really want to see it, but at the same time I know I shouldn't watch it because it's going to make me feel worse about it all...but if I don't I'm just going to keep wondering

So I went to his account and unblocked it, went to his recent and after insuring the volume wasn't loud enough to wake anyone up, I unmuted it and watched

I let out a small cry, but that cry turned into a sob, that turned into a full on breakdown

I walked into the bathroom to try and clam down and also because I don't want to wake anyone up

"Hey" Lauren whispered leaning on the bathroom doorframe

"I'm sorry if I woke you" I said without turning around

"It's okay" she said softly "but your not, come here" she said pulling me into a hug "you can get through this"

"Thank you Lauren" I cried into her shoulder

We went back to bed and both passed out

~Isabelle's dream~

It was back to that day, that beautiful summer day

"I bet I can run up that hill faster then you" he laughed

"Bet" I yelled with a smile running up to the top

We got to the top and there was a huge picnic spread out across a huge blanket

"Happy anniversary" he smiled

"Happy anniversary Corb" I smiled hugging him

"I hope you like it, it's all your favourites, or according to the girls anyway" he said letting out a small laugh

"Whatever it is, as long as I'm with you, it will be perfect"

We sat down and the sun began to set over the hill creating a beautiful orange and pink sky as we ate out food

"I love you" he said turning to me and looking deeply into my eyes

"I love you more Besson" he smiled

"One day I'm going to make you a Besson too" he smiled before connecting out lips for a short but sweet and meaningful kiss

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now