~time to go for it~

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Thank you all so much for your kind comments and dms, I really appreciate it, love y'all so I decided to update again today ☺️💜 x

Isabelle's Pov
After a tiering 3 hours straight working on set it was finally time for break, they weren't kidding when they told me f be thrown in at the deep end as soon as I arrived

I walked into my trailer and passed a familiar figure, but I didn't think it would be her so I carried on walking till she called after me

"So your just gonna walk straight past me huh?" She laughed

"Wait Amy?" I smiled turning round

"In the flesh" she laughed "how's it going?" She asked as we walked towards my trailer

"It's going good I'm exhausted tho" I half laughed

"I bet, I saw you going, your AMAZING" she smiled

"Well, I do try" I giggled

"I can see that" she replied as we entered the caravan styled thing

"So tell me, why'd you come today" I asked

"Does a girl need an excuse to see her bestie?" Amy said, sort of suspiciously "you've just come back and I missed you"

"Aww Ams I love ya" I smiled hugging her

"Buttttt...I'm here for a reason.." she said quickly

"And what would that be" I said slowly

"Welllll....about that..." she said standing up

"I uhhh...wait there" and then she disappeared through the door

I sat there for a couple minutes and nothing happened. I was starting to think that maybe she'd just left or something

I then got up from the table and walked over to the counter and made myself a cup of tea, it was a tea brand from the uk that Amy introduced me to that is actually so good, I take it with me when I'm going places with a kettle
That girl has really rubbed off on me wow.
It's called Yorkshire tea and it's made from where Amy came from and she always gets her mom to send some over every month and I may pay Amy to pay her mom to send more...oops

I laugh to myself as I stir the milk into the steamy hot and then go back to sitting on my table

I picked up my phone to see a message from my momma

Mom ♥️

Look who fell asleepwith her new teddy ☺️

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Look who fell asleep
with her new teddy ☺️

Awww momm,
thank you, miss
you and Gracie loads xx

We miss you
too honey x

Izzy 💜
Two more weeks
till you come up
and I can see you
both (: x

Mom ♥️
Can't wait honey,
good luck with set
today x

Thanks, first
shoot was pretty
good, Amy came
to visit too with
her now but she's
just nipped out

Mom ♥️
Aahhh what's she
like x

Godda go mom, she
back now, see you soon
Love you loads xx 

I looked up to see Amy Stood in the door frame with someone behind her

I tried to see who it was but the hooded figure was hard to make out, they had big thick black glasses and, like I said, a huge black hood

"A..Amy who's this?" I asked standing up to walk closer to the person

"Yeah...about that"

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now