~ letting it out ~

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Corbyn's Pov
I sat on the sofa in the lounge watching time tick by

Tick Tock

Was the only sound in the room

Tick Tock

Just me and my thoughts. And this Loud clock

Tick Tock

Why am I such an idiot

Then there was a knock at my door, I bet it's them neighbours again, borrowing milk or sugar

I opened the door to see someone else, a tall dark haired figure

"Jonah?" I asked confused "what are you doing here"

"Someone needs to talk to you, you can't isolate yourself like this it's not healthy" he said softly

"I mean come on in" I said after a short awkward pause

"Look Corbyn I know that no one wants me here talking to you, but your my best friend and I'm here to listen, there's more to that story and I know there is, I know you and you wouldn't do that, not to Izzy, not to Gracie" he smiled sympathetically as we sat down

Tick Tock

went the clock again in the silence

"I wish..I wish there was more I could tell you...I don't remember any of that night after me and you stood at that table drinking" I sighed honestly

"I know you Besson, sober or not, you wouldn't cheat" he said giving me a weak smile

"Thanks Jonah at least someone understands me" I sigh "I just wish I could talk to Isabelle and explain...but I don't know what I'd explain..." I said starting to cry again

"Look at me Corbyn, I'm going to help you work this out okay, no matter how long it takes" he said softly

"Thank you Jonah, it means a lot to know I've got someone" I smiled as I hugged him

"I know your not in the right frame of mind for much right now, I know sorta how you feel, but I don't...if you get me, here" he said handing me a notepad and pens "use this and write something, it helps to feel better, trust Me"

"I..I'll try" I said half heartedly

"It doesn't have to be a song, it could be a letter, or a poem, or even just random words" he smiled "now I have to go, Sammy's going out soon and I have to watch the Twins, but I'll talk to you soon buddy"

"Thank you again Jonah, it really means a lot" I smiled

He smiled back and walked out of the lounge and to the door and then to his car and he left

He left me with a notepad

I want to get this out

But I don't know how

I walk over to the piano and start pressing keys and as if by literal magic a tune comes to my head

I play out out and then quickly joy it all down on the paper

Now words, the easy part right?


I ended up getting rid of the old tune because it seemed to upbeat for what I was trying to say, but I saved it for a later time because it was actually quite nice sounding

To get me in the mood I go onto my phone and open Spotify and play my chill out playlist, full of slow mostly sad songs that got me quite inspired, if I do say so myself

I paused the music and messed about with a few cord progressions until I fount the perfect one

"This is it" I mumble to myself as I scribble it down onto the notepad

Now words, this is where I got dead ended last time

Then suddenly a line came to me "same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger noww" I sung aloud

Then I sung it again playing it with the piano and it sorta worked, just have to adjust the timing

"Our song was on the radio but it doesn't sound the same" I half sing half day reminiscing on when I was driving home and our favourite song started to play

"That sounds to chunky" I say to myself "what about ..our song on the radio but it don't sound the same" I play and sing "Perfect" I smiled

Jonah was right, this sorta does help, I feel a little better already, although noting will ever heal the hole that was formed in my heart

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now