~friends not lovers~

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Isabelle's Pov
"Can I really believe you tho Corbyn?" I asked after a long silent pause

"I...I have proof" he repeated

"Jonah seeing something doesn't count, as I just said you couldn't easily made him"

"He took a video, let me show you"

He pulled out his phone and showed me a video, it looked just like him, it was just the back of someone's head but the voice, it was a little different from his, a little raspier

"That's you, look, your hair, and your voice, you had a cold or something?" I asked

"No! Isabelle, that's not me!" He said in frustration, kinda cut...no Isabelle, stop

"If I agree to unblock you will you shut up and leave me alone" I asked getting a little irritated

"It's a start, okay, please, I'd like that a lot" he said with his adorable little smile that he knows I'm an absolute sucker for

He walked over to the door and did three clear knocks


"Hey guys, oh hey Corbyn" Amy smiled trying to act obviously

"No offence Amy, but stick to singing" I said with a little laugh

"What's that supposed to mean?" She said with fake offendedness all over her fake

"Your a bad actor" I laughed

"Thanks, means a lot" she laughed

She walked over and hugged me "I'm sorry I had to do that, but it's for all of your goods" she whispered

I didn't reply but I just hugged her a little tighter

"I..I uhh brought you some raspberry's" Corbyn smiled awkwardly talking them out of his rucksack "I know they are your favourite"

"Thanks" I smiled weakly taking them from his shaky hands

Out hands did touch for a small second and it was as if all time and space stood still
Our eyes met and millions of memories flooded through my head
I miss him
I really miss him

I turned round quickly and put them onto the sideboard and then said "does anyone want a drink?"

"I'll have a water please" Amy smiled

"Me too, if that's okay" Corbyn said quietly

"Sure thing" I smiled throwing them both a bottle of water from the cupboard

"Sugar, I uh I godda go, they need me back on set...like five minutes ago.." I said as I looked at my watch

"Go go go quick, don't be any later" Amy smiled hugging me quickly

I want to hug Corbyn as an automatic reaction in my head but then as I was about to he looked happy but also scared

I panicked and in the moment I patted his arm and gave a super awkward smile "See you later" I laughed in awkwardness

"Ye..yeah, See-See ya" he replied matching my tone

Amy's Pov
Well that was the most awkward thing I've ever witnessed

"I'm proud of you buddy" I smiled turning to Corbyn who was watching the distance as Isabelle walked off

"Thanks Amy, seriously thank you, I owe you everything" He smiled as he hugged me

"So what happened?" I asked as we headed towards the car

He explained to me that izzy still didn't really believe him, but agreed to unblock him

"So its a start" I smiled

"Yeah I guess" he shrugged with a half smile

"Anyways, let's go get you some food" I said changing the topic "and me too, duh" I added with a laugh

"That would be nice" he smiled "I feel like me and you never really hang out any more, both with our busy lives"

"I know, it's mad, I do miss seeing you and the guys everyday" I smiled

"Me too" he pouted

"We need to do something soon, all 10 of us, like leave the kids with the grandparents and go on a vacay" I laughed

"We totally have to soon, or when you've had your little on" he said excitedly

"I still can't believe that I'm going to be a mum" I smiled excitedly

"A mom" he corrected

"I'm british Corbyn, And so is the language, so mum" I said sounding more northern then I think I ever have causing me to chuckle a little

"What about when they go to school and they are all talking about their mommy's and you little one goes it's mummy" Corbyn laughed mocking my scent

"Hey If they do that then good on them" I laughed

"How far along are you now?" He asked "your just starting to show" he added excitedly

"I've still got quite a while to go, I'm about three months" I smiled

"Well I already can't wait to meet the little guy, or girl" he smiled

He's so sweet "and I'm sure he or she can't wait to meet their uncle Corbyn either" I smiled

"One day, when they are a little older we need to go on a big group trip to Disney, take them together and they can do all the rides together and be cute little friends" he laughed "imagine all the cute photos we could take"

"Awhh they are all too cute" I sighed warmly

"I can't wait till Lauren and Dani have kids too, then we can all have play dates for the kids and hang out together" he smiled excitedly

"That would be so cool" I smiled

"All this talk of kids...god I miss Gracie so much" he sighed

"You'll see her soon enough" I comforted him "I'm pretty sure Izzy's mum is bringing her sometime in the next week, you should talk to izzy about leaving her here, and you can take care of her"

"As if she'd ever let me" he sighed

"It's worth a shot though, right?"

He exhales deeply "Yeah, your  right"

"When am I not" I said flipping my hair trying to lighten the mood

We pulled up in a car park and there was three places to get food

"What do you fancy?" I asked him "because I'm starving and will eat owt" I smiled

When I was your man // C.B // Herron Twins Book 3 {COMPLEATED}Where stories live. Discover now