Chapter 6

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"Sing something," Cecilia exclaimed, smiling widely at John. It was one particularly cozy evening, and she and John had been spending time on her balcony since the sunset (which was  hours ago, really), drinking green tea and smoking.

"Sing? What do you want me to sing?" John laughed softly and strum on his guitar.

"I don't know, sing like.. Elton John's Tiny Dancer," Cecilia grinned, utterly convinced she had found the perfect song for John to cover.

"Tiny Dancer? Really? I've never sang that one."

"Well, first time for everything, isn't it?"

John observed his mischievous looking girlfriend for some seconds, then agreed, "OK, I'll sing it to you."

He started the song softly at first, gently picking the notes with his fingers. Suddenly, he screeched out a loud "Hold me closer, tiny dancer", making Cecilia practically jump in her seat. He continued singing the song, ultimately finishing with some screaming and howling, probably loud enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood.

"Oh my god, keep it down, you maniac," Cecilia giggled, doing her best to silence him.

"You wanted me to sing. I take singing very seriously," John flashed a smug grin.

"I suppose you do. It was great actually, I loved it. You should sing it at your concerts or something."

"Maybe I will," John smiled, leaving it a little unclear whether he was being serious or not.

He and Cecilia had been together for a month now. They were happy and in love, their relationship falling into place unexpectedly quickly and easy. Cecilia was still working in the photo studio while John spent most of his time in band rehearsals. The Chilis had to continue their "Mother's Milk" tour some time in March before heading to Europe in April, but neither John or Cecilia was bothered by it yet. It just seemed too far away.

"Tell me now, what do you want for your birthday?" John raised the matter of Cecilia's upcoming birthday while putting out his cigarette and gathering his cup and guitar. The weather was getting a little too chilly for their liking, so they decided to continue their evening inside.

"Oh, I don't know. It's not that important, really," Cecilia shrugged and closed the door of the  balcony.

"Oh, come on. 20 years old. Is there some photography equipment you need? Or anything else?" John wasn't satisfied with Cecilia's answer. How could she think he was not going to give her a birthday gift?

"Not really, no. Surprise me," she smirked at him and giggled.

"Oh, yeah, great. Surprise you. Had I known dating you older ladies is so difficult," John shook his head.

"Older ladies? I'm like three weeks older than you!"

"Still older," John teased.

"Oh, yeah? Well, since I am into younger men these days, maybe you are getting too old for me as well. There are younger guys than you out there, you know," Cecilia retorted, deciding that two could play that game.

"Oh, are there? You could try, but they wouldn't know what to do with you," John approached her, a devilish smile plastered all over his face.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Do I have to demonstrate?"

"Well, it would be better, if you made yourself completely clear, yeah."

"As you wish," John smirked and grabbed Cecilia, lifting her on his shoulder.

"What are you doing? You're insane, you know that?" she cried out, fighting back her laughter.

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