Chapter 1

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"Oh good to see you! good to see you all!" Lord Death began in his corky voice. "And how are we doing this afternoon?"

*giggle* "Fine Lord Death. So why were we all called here?" Maka says eager to get a new mission.

Blackstar, Tsubaki, Soul, Maka, Liz, Patty, and Kidd were standing in front of Death while Justin was standing behind Death with his earbuds in.

"HURRY UP OLD MAN! WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH US ALL BEING HERE? I, THE GREAT BLACKSTAR, HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO YA KNOW!" Everyone signs while Tsubaki tries to get him to be more quiet.

"I will get to why I called you all here soon. I'm waiting on someone to get here."

"My dear Maka! Maka Maka Maka!" None of the kids turn around as they all know who it could be. Maka signs and braces for impact. Spirit runs up to Maka and attempts to hug his daughter but he receives a 'Reaper Chop' instead.

"Can't you see the girl would rather be left alone?" Lord Death says to the now weeping father. Maka smiles and thanks him.

Along with Spirit, Stein, Marie, and Crona walk into the death room.

"You called for us Lord Death."

"Finally everyone's here! We can get to our mission." Maka says happily and everyone agrees.

"Actually.. we are still missing one person." The group turns to Death, confused by his words.

"HOW LONG DO WE HAVE TO WAIT DAMMIT?!" Blackstar was just as restless as the rest of them but they weren't dumb enough to yell that to Lord Death.

"Blackstar will you shut up? Screaming isn't cool." Soul leans against a wall, clearly bored.

"Lord Death," Liz speaks this time. "You have the best fighters all in one place to go on one mission right?"

"That is correct."

"What can this person add to the group that we don't already have?" Kidd finishes her thought.

"Well..." they all lean in slightly waiting on an answer.

"Hm.." Death continues.

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY-" Before Blackstar could finish his tantrum Professor Stein hits him with his soul force and Blackstar slams into a wall.

"Blackstar!" Tsubaki runs over to care for him while everyone else thanks Stein for his actions and Patty laughs like an idiot.

"Back to what we were discussing before Lord Death," Marie spoke up. "Who is this person?"

Before Death could answer her question the doors to the Death room burst open. In came a woman who looked to be about 18 with long dark brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing shorts, a red sweater, and long black stockings. (See picture above for reference.) She was stunning. Everyone was staring at her but she was focused on her music that was playing and lightly bobbed her head to it. She didn't even notice the group she was approaching.

"Death scythe Elizabeth Madison reporting for-" The girl looks up surprised and keeps her gaze on something- or rather someone. Everyone turns to see Justin with the same expression on his face.

Elizabeth straightens herself up and walks to Justin. The kids were all confused by this encounter.

As they slowly made their way to each other Liz says "Hey can someone explain what's going on?"

"Yes. This is the first time either have seen each other for quite some time. 5 years I would say. Since Justin became a death scythe." Stein explained.

"Oh!" They all say.

"Dad is that really Elizabeth?" Kidd almost whispered. He didn't take his eyes off of her and his face was symmetrically pink. Liz practically had steam coming from her ears, she was so mad.

"Why yes it is son. It's been awhile since you've seen her."

"Well Kidd who was she to you?" Liz is visibly shaking with anger.

"Well um.. she use to babysit me when I was younger with Dad unable to leave the school 'n all." He presses his pointer fingers together finally breaking his gaze from Elizabeth. Liz' face softens and she wasn't as sour.

Justin rests his hand on Elizabeth's face and gazed into her eyes. They hold that until-


Neither of them respond.

"Blackstar I don't think they can hear you," Maka chimes in. "If you'll notice they're both listening to music but he isn't wrong. It is awkward that they haven't said anything to each other."

"On the contrary," everyone turns to Lord Death, most of them confused. "They are holding a conversation as we speak."

"Father care to explain how they are having a conversation if they aren't speaking." Kidd asks a valid question.

"Their souls are completely in sync with each other." Spirit says, he was looking the girl up and down, admiring her hourglass figure.

"When a pair are completely in sync they share thoughts with their partner. This is extremely rare. It feels as though you are feeling your partners emotions and sharing their senses, mainly because you are." Marie states.

"So how long does it take to get to this level of depth with your weapon?" Maka asks.

"Sorry Maka but that is impossible."

"But Professor Stein-"

"None of us will ever be able to reach that level of resonance. I can't even do that to this extent. They are the only two who have been able to achieve this. They can hear the other's thoughts, they hear the music the other is playing, feel the other's emotions and pain, dream the same dreams even." Professor Stein continues, "most groups could never accomplish this anyway. This 'technique' involves being completely open to your partner. Trying this could take a big toll on your partnership too. No secrets. No hidden memories."


"No you couldn't." Marie states plainly. "You don't have a soul strong enough for this. Plus Justin and Elizabeth are not only the only people who can do this but they also get more powerful the longer they are around each other. They stay in a constant resonance. It never gets shut off. Well it is stir off when they are separated like they were 5 years ago."

"How do they even put up with that? I wouldn't be able to stand Maka in my head all day, everyday." Immediately after saying this Soul was hit over the head with a book by Maka.

"Let's get back to business shall we?" Elizabeth says in her graceful tone with the most beautiful smile any of them had ever seen. Everyone was staring again.

"Um was it something I said?" Elizabeth giggles and Justin sighs. He's wearing a 'not this again' face.

"Oh Lord give me the strength so I may-"

"Enough of that Justin," Elizabeth puts a finger to his lips and giggles. "Let's let him speak." Justin nods to her, even he seems speechless when it comes to her.

"Right the mission. Let's see." Death begins.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now