Chapter 19

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Elizabeth's POV

I continued to fight this woman who claims to be my aunt. I don't care if she is my aunt or not, I won't allow her to talk about Justin like she has been!

As I attack her and she counters back, I realize that most of the enemy has been taken out.

'Dammit! I let her get to me so now it's taking longer to kill her.' I thought to myself. Lord Death already killed his genie opponent a long time ago and Justin and Stein were finishing up theirs, although they both looked tired. 'It's now or never!'

"Darling you should come back home and live with your own kind! Granted you don't actually have powers... I guess that's a problem." She thought to herself but it was obvious that she was still on guard.

"I would never live with people like you!" I run at her, fastest than I ever had before. "I have family here! I have people here who would do anything and everything they could to save me!"

My real aunt scoffed. "You really think they care about you? They killed your mom and dad! They made you kill your own kind so you earned that stupid nickname! The genie who kills genies!" She began to fight more seriously and I began to get angrier.

"They never forced me to do anything I didn't want to! They are my family! I have a boyfriend named Justin who makes me stronger and keeps me sane. I have a father named Stein and a mother named Marie! Sisters by the names of Maka, Tsubaki, Patty, Liz and Azusa! Brothers Crona, Soul, Kidd and even Blackstar! The kids I teach are my family and Spirit, Mifune, Sid and all the other teachers I meet are family too! Lord Death means more to me than you ever will! This academy and its people are the reason why I keep going and that's because they all made me stronger," I held up my fist to her. "With my own hands and with my own heart!" I hit her as hard as I could with the biggest, most powerful wavelength I've ever hit anybody with before. "You will never understand our bond," I watched her lifeless body fall to the ground. "It's an academy thing."

Little did I know that everyone had finished fighting and heard my little speech. I turned at the sound of cheering and applause. Justin walked up the me and wrapped his hands around my shoulders. "We did it. It's over." He whispered to me and then pulled me into a tight hug as Blackstar ran over to takeover the spotlight.

Time-skip! One week later!

We are still cleaning up the city but we have most of the rumble cleared up. School won't be back in session until next week or so because a good chunk of the building is gone. With this extra free time, I decided to spend it with Justin. I would be spending it with the gang but Kidd is taking Liz on a date, Patty wants to show Crona something in the woods, Maka and Soul have been mumbling something about a special night together, and Tsubaki and Blackstar are going to the movies. Even uncle Stein is busy but when I called him he wouldn't tell me what with. I'm guessing that it was difficult though because he was panting really hard throughout our phone conversation.

Justin and I walked home in an awkward silence. When school starts up, we're going to have to leave each other again. I could feel that he didn't want to think about it just as much as I did.

We walked into the front door of our cute small house to find Blair in our living room. "Hey guys what's up?" She asked in an enthusiastic voice.

"Oh nothing much Blair. How are you doing?" I asked trying to force a smile to my lips.

"Fine besides my hair." She turns around to show her hair to us. It didn't look too different at all. Maybe it was an inch or so shorter. "Can you believe that witch last week cut it off?"

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