Chapter 12

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Liz and Kidd didn't say a word on the way home but Patty wouldn't stop talking about what she was going to make Crona. She wanted to give him a present and she eventually settled on coloring him a giraffe.

Once they reached the mansion the girls headed inside but Kidd sat on the porch.

"You comin' Kidd?" Patty blurted out while Liz silently looked over her shoulder at him.

"I'll come in soon." He kept his back to them.

"Okay!" Patty giggled and pulled Liz inside. "Come on big sis! You have to help me pick out the colors for my giraffe!"

Kidd sat outside for a while before he saw Ellie riding around on a bike. He waved to her and she came over to him. "I thought you were going home?"

She snorted. "No. Justin is praying right on and he can be a little... dramatic!

Cut to Justin

"Oh great Lord who is among us! Ohhh Lord!" Justin was flailing about the room while music vibrated the walls of their house.

Back to Kidd and Ellie

"That sounds... annoying." He mumbled under his breath and let out a small laugh.

"It's a lot better than it use to be. When we first moved in with each other, he had these prayer sessions every day but now he only does it once a month." Ellie tells Kidd but she realizes that he isn't paying attention to her words.

"So Kidd what's bothering you?"

"What are you talking about?" Kidd tried to brush off her question but she saw through it.

"Is it the assignment I gave you? Is it the girl? Is it the way I part my hair? You know that I like it parted to one side Kidd!"

The young man laughed. He pulled out a comb and ruler to fix the older girl's hair. "No it has nothing to do with any of that."

The 18 year-old stopped trying to fight Kidd over her hair and let him fix it. "Oh really now? So it has nothing to do with that tall, beautiful... perfectly symmetrical girl in your house right now?" Ellie gave Kidd a smug look and his face turned red. He eventually gave in.

"Yes it's about her. I just don't think I can tell her. She might not want to be my weapon if I make things weird between us." Ellie flicked him on the nose bringing his attention away from the ground.

"Hey that frown on your face doesn't suit you and besides if you brush off your feelings for her then she might go get a meister who's actually honest with her." Kidd jumped up and rambled about how Liz would never do that. "Kiddo you just have to roll with the punches. If you like this girl there's a chance she might like you as well." She gave him a knowing smile. "You must be doing something right if she's putting up with your symmetry attacks."

Kidd smiles to Ellie and thanks her. She gives him a hug and tells him to come to her anytime he needs it. She gets on her bike and rides into the sunset.

Kidd walks into his mansion to find an enthusiastic Patty coloring on the floor. "Patty where's Liz?"

"In her room! Go get em Kidd!" Kidd blushed and made his way to Liz' room.

He debated on whether or not to knock. It took him an hour to but he eventually does knock. He heard a muffled "Come in" and found the girl brushing her hair.

"Oh hey Kidd. What's up?" She stopped and looked at him.

"Do you mind coming outside with me?" She looked confused but she agreed to go anyway.

"So what's going on?" They started walking together and the black and white haired boy couldn't find the words he wanted to say to Liz.

"Um- well it's just that-" Kidd felt a rock hit the side of his head "ow!" He looked in the direction it came from and saw Elizabeth hidden in a bush pointing to something. He turned and saw lights strung around two trees and a white cloth laying underneath the trees with a picnic basket and black and red rose petals scattered around it in the shape of a (perfectly symmetrical) heart.

'She must have done this for me. Thanks Ellie.' Kidd looks back at the bush to see a frustrated Elizabeth pointing from Liz to the picnic. He finally takes her kind gesture and stops walking to point Liz in the direction of the picnic. Ellie smiles and runs off before Liz sees her.

"Oh my Death! Kidd, did you do this?" Kidd didn't know how to respond to that question. Suddenly his phone started ringing.

"I'm sorry Liz, give me a minute." He answers it and Ellie is on the other end, breathless.

"I set up that picnic, yes, but I expect you to take full responsibility for it."

"But I-"

"No! You will accept this gift from me dammit!" And with that she hung up the phone.

Kidd turned to his lovely partner who was now admiring the scenery. When he approached the picnic he noticed that everything was perfect. The lights were spiraled up the trees equal distance from each other, the cloth was perfectly in the center of the trees, and the basket was in the center of the cloth.

'Wow. She made this look better than if I did it!'

Kidd grabbed one of Liz' hands and pulled her attention to him. "For a while now I've been wanting to tell you that I've had deep feelings for you Liz." Her eyes widened and her face softened into a smile. "Liz Thompson, will you do me the honor of being my other half?"

She smiled even more and she placed a kiss on each side of his face. "I'd love to Kidd."

They enjoyed their meal that Ellie packed for them. She had went to Liz' favorite Italian restaurant and ordered her favorite food and put it in containers for the couple to enjoy.

This night was perfect and it was all thanks to Elizabeth.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now