Chapter 5

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Next day at DWMA

"She did what!?" Kidd and his weapons exclaimed at the story Maka and the others told. It shocked them that the biggest criminal group in the region was taken out by the priest and their new friend Elizabeth.

"And you said they completed this all within 3 minutes without killing any of them?" Kidd said with his monotoned voice even though he was still shocked.

"YEAH! THEY TOTALLY STOLE MY SPOTLIGHT," Blackstar started but his voice began to trail off. "She did save Tsubaki though so I'm not too upset." He flashed his partner a smile.

"Interesting. I want to see it for myself. Do you think she would duel with me if I asked?" Kidd asked his friends.

"Oh lookin to duel?" Elizabeth walked in with hands resting behind her head and Justin following close behind. She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hahaha look Kidd! There's the girl you wanted to fight!" Patty was just as obnoxious as ever. Kidd looked away from Elizabeth almost ashamed but he quickly regained himself.

"Um yeah.. I was hoping that you'd be willing to duel with me. I'd like to challenge you and Justin against me and my twin pistols." Justin looked up, amused. Unnecessary dueling went against his peaceful nature but he was interested in the challenge for Elizabeth.

"Justin will not be joining in and even if he wanted to I wouldn't allow it. I wanna fight you all!" She smiled to the group. "Show me whatcha got!"

"You want to fight all of us? At the same time?" Soul looked up to the smiling girl. "I'm sorry to say but you'll lose." She straightened up a bit.

"Okay it's fine if I lose. I need practice so going against powerful opponents is just what I need right now."

"I don't know Ellie." Everyone turned to Justin. "We literally just got back from a mission. Maybe you should get some rest and fight later."

"No way! These guys want a fight so that's what I'll give em!" She was extremely enthusiastic. A sinister smile creeped on to her face. "Let's go now!"

"Oh no! What did you guys get us into." Tsubaki, Liz, and Maka were regretting the challenge already while the boys and Patty were excited about it.


Everyone made their way to the front of the school. A crowd of kids showed up along with a few teachers (that includes Professor Stein and Miss Marie.)

"Oh my this won't turn out well." Stein looks at the group of kids surrounding Elizabeth.

Maka panics her hands holding Soul's metal handle were trembling. "W-What do you mean Professor Stein?" Her voice raises in pitch with every word.

"I mean that you should have picked a different opponent. She could probably take you all out without summoning any of her weapons."

"Wanna bet uncle Stein?" Elizabeth looks to Stein considering his words.

"Sure why not. It would be a fun little experiment." Stein grins back and Elizabeth nods her head in agreement. Liz is now panicking also.

Maka comes in to attack her but can't find an opening. She finally finds one and goes to attack but Elizabeth is... gone! The beautiful woman appears behind Maka and hits her to the ground.


Elizabeth looks at the running boy. To most people it looks as though he is disappearing and reappearing as he's running at her. He goes to punch her but she moves aside and kicks him to the ground.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now