Chapter 8

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In the Death room

Elizabeth's POV

When Justin and I entered the Death room I felt very uneasy. We were there no doubt to be given a mission. Lord Death come out and greeted us. Because I was standing in the room and was listening, Justin didn't need to take out his earbuds to listen to what was going on. He listened through my mind. Sometimes this upsets me because he'd rather go snooping through my brain just so he doesn't have to stop his music.

Lord Death tells us that he wants us to go on a mission to meet up with the leader of the enemy forces that have been closing in on Death City for the past week. We nod and head out of the room.

Kidd's POV

Ellie and Justin came back pretty soon after they were called away. Ellie's beautiful smile was nonexistent. Her laid back attitude was coated with emotion that he couldn't quite place.

"Hey guys, we have to head on now! Get plenty of rest Maka and take care!" Ellie left the room quickly and Justin ran after her.

"That was... odd. Don't you think so Kidd?" I was glad Liz noticed it too although Liz and I were the only ones listening to what they said. Blackstar and Tsubaki left to get ingredients for a 'power shake' for Maka, Soul and Maka were still napping, Stein and Marie went home after Marie healed most of Maka's injuries, and Crona and Patty went to go play at the park.

"Liz, do you think we should follow them and see what they're doing?" Liz was eager to leave the gloomy hospital room as I was.

"Yeah but what happens if there's a fight? You can't use me if we don't have Patty and we can't bring her back before she's ready or she'll throw a fit." She did have a point.

"I don't think we need to worried about that. We'll be with Ellie and Justin. We'll be fine if we trail closely behind." Liz and I got up and ran off and tried to find where the couple went.

I have spent a lot of time with Liz alone recently and especially since Patty is occupied with Crona most of the time. We have talked a lot and she's a lot sweeter and more gentle than I first gave her credit for. I liked her before but now I feel more connected to her. I realized how beautiful she truly is these past few days. Liz looked over at me with a confused looked. I didn't realize that I was staring at her until she stared back. I laughed at the awkward situation before we continued towards the priest and the angel.

They hopped on to Justin's new 4 wheeler. Liz and I tried keeping up with them as we approached the spot where Ellie and just were. We stayed hidden.

"Well if it isn't the genie who hunts genies and her little puppy! I can't believe you actually came gorgeous."

'Ellie is a... GENIE??!' Liz seemed to be just as shocked as I was.

"Yeah well I'm full of surprises now what's this deal I'm hearing about?" Justin stayed quiet and let her speak.

"Simple. Gave me the weakened Lord Death and I'll leave Death City alone." The big man bellowed out.

"Ah I see. You can't defeat him alone so you've asked for our help." She put a fist over her heart. "Very well I shall help you... under one condition." Everyone leaned in to hear her words. "I want to be paid for this job. Defeating Death isn't going to be easy, so you'd better pay well." Her voice went cold and that scared Liz and I. It's like we don't even know her.

Before anything more happens we had to run back and tell the others. I had Liz transform into a gun and I jumped on my skateboard so we could make it back faster than Justin and Elizabeth.

'How could she betray me, no, us?!' I tried focusing on Ellie rather than my symmetry. If I focused on the fact that I only had one gun then I would spit up blood agai- 'oh no here it comes!' I started feeling dizzy but we had to push on and warn the others.

Elizabeth's POV

After the negotiation with the leader of the attack against Death City, the genie kept trying to get me to stay and be his mistress. I could feel Justin's blood boil. He wanted to shut the man up but we both knew we couldn't do that now. When we finally got back to Justin's 4 wheeler, it was later than we hoped. We had to get back and report to Lord Death immediately.

Meanwhile back in Death City!

Kidd's POV

We finally made it back into town and we found everyone on their way to watch a movie at Maka and Soul's apartment.

"Oh look at the two love birds back at last." Maka giggles to Soul. I felt my cheeks get hot and I quickly looked away.

"You're one to talk!" I heard Liz say while pointing at Maka. Both of the girls were blushing.

'Why is Liz blushing? Is she embarrassed about what Maka said?'

"Wait! We don't have time for this," I finally remembered why we were looking for them. "Elizabeth is on her way back here with Justin to kill Dad! Maka. Soul. You're going to be our best chance against them!" Everyone was stunned.

"What makes you think we can beat Elizabeth now let alone both her and Justin!" Maka yelled out. Soul tried to comfort her by rubbing her shoulder.

"Because it turns out that Elizabeth is a genie! She can be defeated by your genie hunter skill!" Liz explained quickly. Everyone was taken aback by all of the information that they were just given but they prepared for the couples arrival. Finally they could see them, two figures riding in on a 4 wheeler that was blasting music.

"Ready guys? Let's go!"

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