Chapter 14

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Blair and Elizabeth walked through Death city to go shopping and eat together. They talked about the assignment that Ellie gave the class and how most of them are handling it. Blair talked about her job at Chupacabra's.

It was getting a little too late so all of the stores were closing. They decided to leave the restaurant they were at. They didn't have to pay for the food, as usual, because the owner had fallen for both of the beautiful ladies.

"I think Justin should be finished praying by now so why don't we go to my house?"

"Okay! Sounds fun!" The two walked hand-in-hand and enjoyed each other's company.

"Justin I'm back. I brought a friend with me too." Justin didn't answer her.

"Is something wrong? Where is he?"

"No nothing's wrong." Elizabeth chuckled to herself. "He gets tired doing his triathlon of a prayer session. I can feel his soul sleeping." Just as she finished the explanation they walked into the living room and found the priest laid across the couch, his music was still blaring.

"Wow! How can he sleep with all of that noise?" Blair laughed in disbelief and Elizabeth walked to her sleeping partner.

"I don't know. He's always done it though." She turned off his music and covered him with a blanket, placing a kiss on his head. "I'm sure this boy is done for the night. Sleep well my love."

"Alright now we can try our clothes on!" Blair was excited to finally put on the cute outfits she bought- Well... was given. Blair doesn't have to buy anything for herself but Elizabeth didn't feel comfortable taking outfits from the store so she was given a 90% discount instead.

The duo tried on outfits together and acted out scenarios for these clothes. They ended up on the floor laughing by the 2 hour mark.

The magical cat finally pulled something out of the last shopping bag. "Here Ellie, I picked this out for you!"

"What is it Bl-" Elizabeth was met with a short, sexy, full lace dress. "Blair?! I can't wear this!"

"Sure you can. Pu-pumpkin pum-pumpkin!" The dress appeared on Elizabeth's body. "See it fits perfectly!"

"It might fit but you can see through it!"

"I think that's the point, Ellie." The two girls didn't realize that their conversation had woken up the sleeping priest.

"What is going on he here." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"No, Jay don't look at me!"

"Huh? What do you- LORD HAVE MERCY!" The exposed girl curled into a ball trying to hide herself, her boyfriend was trying to control his bleeding nose, and the cat laughed until she coughed up a fur ball.

"Why did you have to wake up now!?"

"Why are you dressed like that?!"

"You mean to tell me that you guys haven't-"

"Blair go home!" The beautiful cat reluctantly left the couple in an awkward silence. Elizabeth put on a robe and went to help Justin off of the floor.

"So why were you wearing the... forbidden cloth?" Justin's face was still red and the image of Ellie running through his mind kept a blush on her face too.

"Would you stop thinking about it, please? And besides Blair wanted me to try it on. I didn't realize that you would come in here though."

"It's my house too, Ellie"

"But you were asleeeeeeppp." They laughed and finally started to get ready for bed. "Justin," He stuck his head in Ellie's room and asked what she wanted. "You should sleep with me tonight!" She cheerfully said.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now