Chapter 6

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A couple days later - training day!

Elizabeth's POV

The kids asked me to help train them. I wouldn't be able to train them all myself so I took the girls and Stein attempted to train the boys.

"So guys where should we start?" I asked them. Patty was restless so I asked her what was wrong.

"Can I go train with the boys instead?!"

"Um yeah, sure." I look over to see a timid pink haired boy eyeing Patty out of the corner of his eye.

'Ah. So that's it.'

Patty ran off and I continued with my lesson.

"Um miss... uh miss-"

"Just call me Ellie. There's no reason to be formal." I chuckled at Maka's awkwardness.

"Right, Ellie. Why aren't we training with our partners?"

"You have to rely on your own strength. You should train by yourself just as much as you do with your partner. There will come a time when you'll have to fight alone and you have to be the strong one."

"Well that's terrifying to think about." Liz shivered at the thought of fighting a monster by herself.

"Yeah I'm not sure how useful I would be without Blackstar." Tsubaki presses her fingers together and looked down.

"And that's why we're training! If you're stronger, then you'll never have to worry about your partners safety and they won't worry about you either! Now what do you want help with?" I gave them a gentle smile.

"Could you teach us how to use the whip thingy?" Liz' eyes sparked.

"Oh. You mean thi-" before I had the chance to finish my question or pull out my whip, a hand gripped my wrist.

'I thought I told you not to do that Ellie.' I heard Justin speak directly to my mind but I could hardly hear him because his music was turned up really loud.

'Dammit I've been found out.' He sighed. 'How'd you even know what I was doing?'

'I could feel your idiot radar go off, that's how.'

"She can't teach you that technique!" He accidentally started yelling, not realizing how loud he was. All of us covered our ears.

'Justin what the hell? Turn that down!'

"Huh? Oh right." He pulled out his ear buds. "She can't teach you that skill."

"But why not?" All of the girls whined in unison.

"Because it's dangerous." He turned and glared at me while I looked away. "Because it takes a toll on your body and no matter how much I tell her not to, she won't listen." Justin said more to me than the girls. I shied away trying to avoid his gaze. The three girls looked between Justin and I before I finally broke the silence.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"I don't understand why you keep doing that!"

"Doing what?" I challenged him.

"You know what. Using that whip hurts you so why do you do it?"

'Tch. He won't even let me show off some of my talent. What a pain.' He scoffs at that remark.

"I just don't want to see you hurt." He walks off. "Don't use that useless it's an emergency. See you at home." I could feel his sadness tug at my heart.

I felt really bad making him worry like that but I couldn't help it.

"It's like he says, I can't teach you that technique because it's harmful to the body plus you would need to be able to use soul force and none of you can." I got an idea. "Hey! Maybe that's what we can work on today! I'll teach you how to use soul force!"

The girls cheered and we spent the next hour trying that but each of them were completely helpless. I wasn't sure that Liz or Tsubaki would be able to anyway because they are weapons but I was optimistic... until I saw their skills.

"Alright fine. Each of you are weapons so let's work on a high resonance instead."

"Um Ellie? How do you know I'm a weapon?" Maka asked.

"I can sense it of course. Also aunt Marie told me that you haven't found anyone that can handle you yet." Maka explained Soul couldn't wield her because he isn't any good and there are no suitable partners for her.

"But it's fine. I enjoy being Soul's meister!" She gave me a smile.

"Yeah but you should still learn how to be a strong weapon, just in case Soul learns how to use you." I wink at her and she smiles to herself while a pink blush forms across her face. "Now let's get to work!"

We went one by one and I held each of the girls in weapon form. Tsubaki was easy to connect with. Her soul was submissive but strong. Liz was also easy to connect with although she was use to Kidd being her partner so she automatically tried to take control. We eventually met eye to eye and everything went great. Maka was last and definitely the most difficult to deal with. She won't stop thinking and she fought with me over dominance.

"Well Maka, I found your problem."

"Huh?" She panicked and turned back into her human form.

"You're a weapon in this instance. You have to match your partners wavelength. You're trying to take control when I'm supposed to." I explained to her.

"Bu-But you said Liz does the same with Kidd. How is this any different?" She was irritated. I assume it's because she's not use to being wrong.

"I'm not Kidd that's why. You have to adjust accordingly. Your partnership with Soul works because he allows you to be as controlling as you want. I prefer to be the leader when I'm the meister so it's hard connecting to you when you're fighting me." I tried to be as blunt as possible without hurting her feelings.

"But that's not- you don't know what you're talking about!"

"She's right Maka." Soul stepped in. I guess the boys finished training and came to join us.

"Soul how could you say that?" Maka began to tear up but she was also clinching her fist.

"The reason why no one can resonate with you in weapon form is because your soul is overwhelming. You need to let up a bit. Simple as that." Before she could get anymore upset with me I walked off. "See you guys in class tomorrow."

I heard Maka run off crying and screaming and Soul ran after her.

'She'll never find a meister if she keeps that up.'

I finally got home after my short walk from the academy.

"Hi honey, I'm home!" I giggled as I spoke. I found Justin sitting at his make shift shrine.

"Oh you're back." Justin didn't even look at me.

'He must still be upset.' I felt his sadness pull at me again but he was also nervous and relieved.

"Hey Justin. I know I worry you sometimes and I don't mean to." I was playing with my hands and I continued talking without really paying attention to what was said. "I just don't know why you get so protective of me..." I continued rambling not realizing Justin was walking my way. I felt him put a finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. I immediately stopped talking.

"I'm worried about you because I love you Elizabeth." He pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked for a moment and then I melted into the kiss. When we finally parted, I met his gaze.

"Aren't we a rule breaker. Doesn't this go against your morals?" I smiled at him and the blush from my cheeks started to go down.

He laughed looking away from me for a moment. He tried ignoring the question. "Will you be mine Elizabeth?"

'Finally! I've been waiting forever for this jerk to ask me!' He gave me a 'I heard that' look before he started laughing again.

"Of course dummy."

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now