Chapter 13

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Soul decided that he was going to tell Maka that he likes her tonight. I mean he kind of had to but he didn't mind that too much.

He planned to make a nice dinner for them tonight and watch Maka's favorite movie afterwards but there was one problem: Blair.

She wanted him to 'play with her'. If Blair was in the house when Soul was trying to confess to Maka then she would ruin accidentally everything.

Soul tried thinking of what to do with Blair while he was making the special dinner. He made chicken parmesan with alfredo sauce.

Blair came into the kitchen in her cat form. "Soul play with me!" He ignored her and started setting the table but she jumped on the table and started pushing things off in protest. "Play with me," she changed into her human form and pulled him into her chest. "Pretty please?" He got a nosebleed but he tried to act cool despite it.

"Blair can you please go away for the night? I have something planned for Maka." The cat pouted and protested.

'I have to get her out of here quickly Maka is gonna be back soon.'

Soul picked up Blair and put her outside but the cat just used her powers to open the door and walk back in. So this time he picked her up to give her to a neighbor for a while but she turned back into her human form and fell on him. "Come on Soul! Let's play!"

"This is so not cool." Just as Soul was about to give up he saw Ellie lean on his apartment building. It looked like she was on the phone with someone. He walked over to the tired girl and asked her if she'd take Blair for a while.

"Why me?"

"Because Maka will be home from the store soon and I can't have Blair ruining my special dinner tonight."

A wide grin was plastered on Ellie's face. "Oh. Okay, sure I'll take Blair so you and Maka can have some alone time." The boy tried to not blush but his embarrassment got the better of him.

"Great thanks. I own you one." Soul walked back into the apartment.

Blair looked at Ellie curiously. "Let's go do stuff together." Elizabeth happily agreed.

Maka made her way back home to find the apartment smelling nice with the aroma of her favorite food. She put down the bags by the door and tried to find Soul.

"Hey Soul. I'm home. What are all the candles about-" Soul walked out of his room with  a red dress shirt on and black pants to compliment his black tie. He held a rose in his hand and walked over to Maka.

He put the rose behind her ear and the meister instantly started blushing. "Soul I-"

"Maka, before you say anything I need to get something off of my chest." He looked her in the eye and they both grew red and impatient. "I really like you Maka and I think that you're the smartest, most driven, beautiful person the world has to offer. Would you make me the coolest guy in school and be my girlfriend?"

The girl didn't know what to say. She was overcome with happiness but her body wasn't allowing her to verbally respond. Instead, she jumped up and pulled him into a tight hug. "I like you too Soul. I'd be happy to be your girlfriend!" Soul let out a breathe that he didn't realize he was holding.

"Cool now let's eat!" They walked to the dinner table and ate the delicious food that Soul put a lot of effort into making.  They talked and laughed throughout all of dinner.

Eventually they made their way to the couch and watched Maka's movie together. Soul hates the movie because it's all girly and weird but he didn't mind watching this time.

The blonde girl fell asleep in her partner's arms about halfway into the movie. Soul picked her up ever so carefully and put her in her own bed.

The night couldn't have been better. The food turned out great, Maka accepted and returned his feelings, and he spent the last few hours with the girl he loves.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now