Chapter 3

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Elizabeth's POV

Liz took us girls to a huge black and white mansion with skulls on it. I instantly recognized it because I have been here before.

"Wow it hasn't changed a bit since I was last here!" My eyes sparkled at the memories I had from this place.

"Oh that's right Kidd said you were his babysitter." Liz pointed out.

"Yeah it was a long time ago and I wasn't much older than him but I watched him every now and then." I smiled to myself. "He used to get angry when I would tie his baby shoes," I couldn't help but giggle. "He said the laces weren't symmetrical enough."

All of the girls laughed at the story. As we approached the mansion I told them more stories about baby Kidd like how he would cry if he couldn't draw a perfect circle or when he would get a cut on his knee he insisted on falling again so his legs would be symmetrical.

"So Kidd has always been this way." Liz laughed so hard that a tear came from her eye, which only made us laugh harder.

We walked into the mansion still giggling and we found all of the boys eating snacks in the living room.

"Oh hello girls." Kidd said in his even tone. "What are you all laughing about?"

"Just about how weird you were as a kid. Remember when you would throw a fit when you accidentally colored outside of the lines of your coloring book?" I said making us girls start laughing harder and the guys chuckle. Kidd's face was pink and he froze, unable to find words to respond.

Kidd's POV

The guys and I were talking about Elizabeth's unexpected arrival in town while on our way to my house.

"So Kidd, you knew that girl?" Blackstar asked.

"Um yeah. You could say that. She took care of me sometimes when I was little but she had to go to Europe soon after she became a death scythe five years ago. She looks so different, I hardly recognized her." I said as we continued to my house.

"Well aren't you lucky." Soul grinned at me.

"W-What?" I blush slightly.

"Don't you have a crush on the pretty lady?" His grin became wider and soon Blackstar did the same.

"N-no. And besides everyone likes Elizabeth. It's just natural for people to like her. She's very beautiful." I stated. "If I recall correctly you, Soul, had your mouth hanging open like an idiot and you, Blackstar, kept staring at her." I shot them a smirk and they both turned away from me blushing. At this point we reached the front door of my house and walked in.

"W-Well what about Crona? Why aren't you exposing him too?" Soul tried to keep the topic off of them.

"Well that's obvious Soul! Didn't you see Crona when she asked him his name?" Blackstar butted in. Soul shook his head. "He couldn't even talk to her! Ha ha ha!"

"It's not my fault. I'm not used to dealing with pretty girls." Crona blushed and looked at the ground.

"So you don't consider any of our girls to be attractive?" I raised an eyebrow to him while grabbing some snacks.

"I didn't say that. It's just that- ah! I can't take this pressure!" Crona curled into a ball and Ragnarok emerged from his back.

"Wow Crona you're pathetic! You can't go two minutes without crying can you?" Ragnarok bullied Crona, grabbed up half of the snacks, ate and then left again.

'His visits are getting shorter and shorter' I thought to myself.

"So Kidd," Soul begins. "Do you like this Elizabeth person more than Liz now?"

"Don't get me wrong, Elizabeth is beautiful but Liz is.... special." I began blushing again. I don't usually show this much emotion but I decided to this time. I quickly regained myself. "What about you guys? Still give a damn about your girls after meeting Elizabeth?" I jokingly said.

"Of c-" Soul tried to answer.

"IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION? OF COURSE I CARE MORE ABOUT TSUBAKI THAN THAT GODDESS! HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I DON'T!" Blackstar completely lost it which caused Crona to hide his face again.

Just as Blackstar calmed down the girls came in laughing about something. Elizabeth was embarrassing me with old stories.

'Now Liz is going to think that I'm a complete nut case!'

I tried not to show my red cheeks but they were pretty evident.

"Oh lighten up Kidd. She's just joking." Liz walked over to me and smiled. She always could get me to calm down. I shied away from her gaze.

"HA HA HA! KIDD YOU'RE PATHETIC! YOU COULDN'T HANDLE ONE SMILE?" Just as Blackstar starts screaming Elizabeth walks over to him and places a finger to her lips and winks to him.

"I think Crona is a bit nervous at the moment," she motions to the trembling boy and her eyes return to Blackstar's. "Mind keeping it down for a moment, please Blackstar?"

"Uh- Yeah. Okay sure." He said immediately obeying her. Everyone was shocked at this complete change in Blackstar. Tsubaki didn't look especially pleased, she looked slightly irritated that she couldn't get Blackstar to be quite but this new girl could.

"Wonderful! Now I'd love to learn more about each of you! Do you mind telling me?" Everyone agreed to Elizabeth's request and spent the next two hours talking about one another.

"It's late guys so I think I'll be heading home. It was lovely meeting you all and of course it was good seeing you again Kidd." She smiles at me. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.

"Yeah we'd better get going too." Tsubaki said with Blackstar heading towards the door.

"Yeah same here." Soul opened the door and everyone left. Patty was sitting with Crona trying to get him to come out from his hiding place. Talking to Elizabeth made him more shy and timid than usual.

'I guess he's staying with us tonight.'

Soul's POV

As we were all walking to our apartments, a man comes around the street corner and points a gun at us.

"Give me everything you have on you now!" He yelled at us. He looked around for a moment and soon a bunch of men with guns and other weapons came out of the shadows.

'Damn. If it were just the one guy this would be easy but we can't defeat all of them ourselves.'

Blackstar started insulting the group that was closing in on us. Maka was scared but she was still ready to fight them and Elizabeth was quiet.

"Such big talk coming from such a small boy." One of the guys say to Blackstar.

"Oh yeah well take this! Yah—"

"Not so fast!" Yelled one guy who was now holding Tsubaki.

"Blackstar!" Tsubaki was terrified.

"No. Tsubaki." Blackstar said with panic in his voice.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now