Chapter 9

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Elizabeth's POV

Justin and I were making our way through town when we spotted my friends. "Hey guys!" I giggled. I was happy to see them all again. Maka stepped in front of the group holding a transformed Soul.

'Ellie something doesn't feel quite right.' Justin felt uneasy and I couldn't help but feel the same way. 'I think something happened when we left. They look upset Ellie. Stay close.' I agreed with him and we got off the vehicle.

"Hey guys, what's goin on?" My voice shook a bit. I don't like not knowing what is going on.

"We don't like traders! That's what's going on!" Blackstar's words cut through my body and I could feel their anger towards me.

"W-What?" I stepped back into Justin. He could tell how hurt I was so he took over the conversation.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked plainly. They scoff. "Well if you have nothing to say for yourselves then we'll be leaving. We need to speak with Lord Death." Kidd ran up to attack.

"Like hell you will!" I fell to the ground, confused and dripping with sadness. Justin protected me like always. He would never allow me to be hurt. Blackstar joined in on the attack while Maka glared at me. Her body must have been in pure agony to be standing but there she was, ready to kill me.

She ran up, "Lets go! Soul resonance!" Soon after her genie hunter technique materialized.

'Do they know? How did they figure it out?! Are they going to kill me because I'm a genie?' I didn't move to protect myself. I couldn't bring myself to hurt these people without a reason. I cared for them dearly. 'If they kill me then there isn't much I can do. I can't actually hurt them.'

"Ellie! Get up!" Justin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He was having a hard time keeping Blackstar and Kidd at bay. Maka was close to striking me.

"Please tell me what I did! I promise I'll fix it!" My head was down and I was sobbing loudly. I waited for Maka to strike me but the attack never came.

"Why are you acting so innocent? We know what you're trying to do! We won't let you kill Lord Death!" Maka was trembling. Her body was in a lot of pain and she finally collapsed. Before she could hit the ground, I caught her and Soul changed back.

"Get your hands off of her!" He pulled Maka away for me and my pain deepened. By now Kidd and Blackstar stopped fighting Justin to focus on Maka and I. I looked to Justin for support but I found that he was crying but he didn't cover his face or cry out. Those tears weren't his. They were mine.

My love made his way over to me and knelt down next to me. He pulled me into a hug and spoke to the kids. "Lord Death is like Elizabeth's family. Why would she try to kill him?" I broke down; the tension from the others wavelengths began to dissipate.

"We heard her say she would. We saw you both with the enemy a couple of hours ago." Kidd spoke out bravely. I flinched at his words.

"Is that what this is about?" Everyone already had their gaze on me but this time it felt more intense. "We had a mission from Death to go. He told us that we should try to negotiate with the leader so we could buy ourselves more time. Our forces aren't ready to hold off the attacks so we went to give them a false deal...." I looked down and my voice got quiet and shaky. "I could never harm Lord Death. He's my savior. My family."

Everyone's face softened, the weapons turned back to human form and a wave of guilt consumed them. "So you d-didn't try to kill father? Elizabeth... I'm so sorry." Kidd crumbled to the ground next to me.

"It's okay Kidd. You were protecting your father. I can respect that." I gave him a weak smile and pulled him into a tight hug. One by one everyone began apologizing to Justin and I and I hugged them all.

"I'm sorry that I almost killed you!" Maka cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay Maka. And besides I'm not sure that I would die if you hit me with genie hunter anyway." I finally felt happy enough to give her a genuine smile.

"W-What? You are a genie aren't you?" I confirmed her question while everyone else was asking me questions. "Then why wouldn't you die?"

"I don't have any magical power. I wasn't born with any. I'm basically human with a bigger soul and stronger body. That's about it." I winked at them.

"That doesn't really answer the question." Tsubaki spoke out with Blackstar shouting the same thing behind her.

"Genie hunter is a technique that targets and destroys magic and impurities, when this happens the magic basically causes the genie's body to self destruct. Because I don't have magic and my soul isn't defiled, it wouldn't be effective against me." I turned back to Maka and smiled. "I learned about genie hunter from your mom. We used to hung out every Saturday when uncle Stein was busy. I even got to see you were you were a baby."

We all talked for a while longer and I answered more questions. Blackstar and Patty kept asking me to grant them three wishes but I told them that I couldn't. We got Maka back home so she could rest more. Justin and I reported back to Death and then he carried me back home.

Things were finally fixed between us. Everything was perfect again.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now