Chapter 15

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Kidd's POV

'That Blackstar and his nerve. My ears are perfectly symmetrical!' I walked outside to find all of the meisters looking around the air for something. 'What's going on?'

"Kidd get down!" Elizabeth jumped on me as if she was shielding me from something but I didn't realize what until an unsettling feeling washed over me.

I saw Ellie's eyes widened and felt her body go a little limp. "You dummy.... You should listen when your elders are talking." A warmth tricked down my chest and she fell on the ground next to me. Justin yell out to her.

Everything was finally setting in. Elizabeth protected me from something and now she has a huge, golden spear through her midsection.

"Elizabeth?!" Everyone rushes to her side but made a path for Stein to get to her easily. Justin was already sitting next to her muttering something under his breath and grunting before he passed out.

"W-w-What just happened? Why did he pass out too?" I asked.

"That spear she's been impaled by is a cursed weapon. In this instance their resonance had a negative effect on them. He passed out because he can feel the pain she's in and he can feel how much blood she has lost. It was too much for him to handle." Stein answers.

Dad and Spirit made their way outside. "Who did this to Elizabeth?" Dad's voice bellowed in his true tone.

"We don't know but it came from over there!" Maka gave Dad the answer.

"What's over there sir?" Kiriku asked.

"It's the enemy base I sent Elizabeth and Justin to a few days ago. They must have realized that she had no intention of killing me from them." Dad explained. My resonance group hung our heads when we remembered the time we tried to kill her and Justin. "I should have never sent them." This time Dad's voice had a hint of guilt in it.

"Professor Stein?" My eyes never left Elizabeth's limp body. "Will she be alright?"

"In any other case I would say no but because she has a genie body, I would say that she has a slight chance of survival."

There were several questions that were being asked like "slight chance" and "Ellie's a genie" but they were all ignored. Stein carefully took Elizabeth inside and Justin was taken in by Spirit.

'Please be alright.'

Time-skip to a few hours later!

I didn't leave the nurse's office since Ellie was taken in for surgery, which meant Liz hadn't left either. She tried to keep my spirits up but I could tell that she was just as scared as I was.

'It's all my fault!'

Finally the doors opened and Stein stood there with a lit cigarette in his mouth. "You can go in and see her now." Both my weapon and I flew into the room and to our surprise we found Ellie talking to Justin who was sitting in a chair next to her bed. He held her small hand in his.

Ellie looked like her usual happy self but she was a lot more pale than usual and looked very weak. Her body was probably aching but she didn't let anyone know. Justin looked just as weak but he seemed relieved.

"Oh hey guys." She acted as though she wasn't almost killed trying to protect me.

"How are you feeling?" I couldn't bring myself to look her in the eye.

She thought for a moment.

"Hm... well I can't really feel anything. Uncle Stein gave me some wicked cool pain medicine so I'm great!" She flashed Liz and I her beautiful smile. Liz let out a sigh of relief and began chatting with her about her health and whatnot.

I silently sat at the back of the room with tears streaming down my face. "Hey Kiddo, come here for me."

I finally got up and went to the pretty and motionless girl. Color was starting to come back to her face and she looked more awake. "Yes... What is it?" I talked in my stoic voice but I couldn't help the voice crack that left my throat.

"Don't you dare think this is your fault." I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't meet them. I was silent and there was a moment when no one said anything. "Justin start praying." Ellie said, her eyes still burning through me.

"Ellie I don't think you should be moving-"

"Pray for me now." The priest sighs and does what his partner says. His prayer gave her the strength she needed to move, although, her hands were shaky. "Hey," she grabbed my face and forced me to look into her emerald eyes. She pulled out a cloth and wiped my face then straightened up my suit and fixed my hair. "There's my boy. You aren't Kidd without your symmetry and nonchalant attitude." Her smile seemed to light up the room this time.

Justin stopped praying and helped sit Elizabeth upright. He then explained to me and Liz why they know the attack was directed at Ellie.

"First off the spear she was hit with was cursed to inflict pain in a genie's body so if it was aimed at you, Kidd, it wouldn't have been as effective because you're a reaper." Justin explained the first reason.

"But why would they aim at Kidd and not Ellie herself?" Liz questioned.

"Because they knew she would protect him," Professor Stein entered the room with Marie. "If they aimed at Elizabeth she could have easily blocked it or Justin would have diverted the shot, but if they aimed at someone she cares about then she wouldn't have enough time to protect herself."

"Aunt Marie!" Elizabeth acted as though she hasn't seen Marie in years even though they talk everyday. "Auntie Marie can you fix me? I've got a meeting with Lord Death. I can't miss it." Marie nodded her head happily and sent her 'healing wavelength' through Elizabeth.

The once bedridden girl was now standing on her own two feet. "Alright kiddos we have a meeting to get to so we'll be seeing you all soon. Bye now!"

Liz and I decided to find the others and tell them what we had discussed.

Elizabeth's POV

Justin, Marie, Stein, and I walked into the Death room to be greeted by Spirit and Azusa. I called Lord Death once everyone was ready to hear his assignment.

"Hey Lord Death!" I sang out.

"Hi Elizabeth! Good to see you're feeling better! So are you all here?"

I cleared my throat and prepared to say everyone's titles. "Yes we are! Stein, the best meister to graduate from our beautiful establishment! Azusa, the queen of committee chairmen! Justin, the executioner! Marie, the pulverizer! Spirit, the womanizer!"

"Hey don't call me-"

"And finally myself: Elizabeth, the improviser!"

"Seducer is more like it." Spirit said while looking to the adults who were trying not to laugh.

Lord Death reaper chopped the red haired man. "Cut it out Spirit. Now it's time for your assignment."

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