Chapter 17

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"Okay I'm back!" Elizabeth walks back to her friends but she was dressed completely different. She changed out of her long sleeve white shirt and black jeans into a beautiful floral navy blue sundress. The boys stared for a little too long which made the girls angry and Ellie blush. "Hey Jay... can you not think... what you're thinking right now?"

Everyone turned to Justin who turned to hide his red face from them. "I-I don't know what you are talking about Ellie."

"Right." Elizabeth walked past the priest. "You can't even tell me I look nice. Wow and to think-"

"You look beautiful love. Now let's go." Justin started walking and the kids followed after him.

"So what was the point of changing your clothes?" Soul asks.

"It was for this," Elizabeth grabs Soul's hand and pulls him ahead of the group to an older man. Mid-30's most likely. The man had a scowl and he was dressed in stained clothes. Justin motioned for everyone else to hide and to keep quiet.

Elizabeth grabbed the man's attention. "Hi sir, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping us find our dad? My little brother and I can't find him anywhere!" She grabbed Soul's shoulders and pulled him in front of her, holding him in a secure embrace.

Soul was definitely confused but he didn't want to ruin her performance. Just behind them in an alleyway the kids were trying to keep their giggles to themselves.

"Lookin for your dad are you?" The man looked the young girl up and down and his eyes rested on her large chest. "Yeah I bet I could help you out." He grinned and Soul stood up straight so his head would be covering Elizabeth. The bum glared at the kid.

"Thank you so much! Well he's tall and he has long black hair and blue eyes. He's really buff but he has a big gut." She was describing the genie her and Justin went to see a few days before.

"Hm. I saw someone like him yesterday I think. He went to see Chucky. I can take you there doll." He shot his yellow grin at her.

"Would you really? That's so sweet of you! Come on Matt let's go with the nice man." She motioned to Soul to move but the man didn't seem pleased.

"Actually sweety it's a little dangerous for a little kid to go. He needs to stay here."

"Why do I have to stay here and she gets to go?!" Elizabeth placed a finger on her "brother's" lips.

"I'll be back with dad soon, okay? Be careful Matt!" Elizabeth walked off with a smile on her face.

"And now we wait."

"But Justin!-" Liz exclaims. The group walks up to Soul.

"But nothing. We can't jeopardize her conversation and besides she'll be fine. I have faith in her."

Meanwhile, Elizabeth makes her way through the alleys to a small house. It was beat up and dirty but it was still standing.

"Chucky doesn't get back until 5, so we can keep each other busy for a while." His dirty mouth grins as he walks up behind her.

"Okay so he'll be here later right?"

"Uh Huh."

"I see." She turns to the approaching man and punches him hard with her soul wavelength. He falls to the ground unconscious.

Justin starts walking to Elizabeth. Because of their connection he can find her easily and he knows that her task is finished. They meet up at the house the man brought Elizabeth to.

"Hey Ellie. Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" Justin asked concerned.

"No love I'm fine." She walks up to her partner and hugs him.

"Ew this place it creep and icky. I don't do well in creepy icky places!" Liz states.

"Ou! Can we go inside?" Patty asks

"No we can't go in right now. This guy 'Chucky' who met with the genie leader of our enemy will be here at 5. That's what he said anyway." She motioned to the body vaguely covered by some newspapers and grass. None of them noticed him before now.

Liz: "Ahhhhhhh!"

Patty: "hahaha she killed him! Ha ha!"

Kidd: "This place is filthy."

Soul: "We'll at least my embarrassment wasn't for nothing."

Maka: "umm are we sure he's okay?"

"He'll be fine." Said Elizabeth. "Although, the wavelength I hit him with will last a while. He won't be getting up any time soon. Now let's go eat or something while we wait."

Everyone agreed and they toured the town, ate, and played around until 5 o'clock finally came. They gathered around the house as Ellie knocked on the door and asked for Chucky. He came out and that's when the questions started.

"What did you and the genie talk about?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about little lady." Chucky responded.

Maka was keeping an eye on his soul. "Ellie, his soul seemed confused by his answer. He's hiding something." She notified the brave woman.

Chucky's face went pale and he tried punching Ellie to make an escape but Justin blocked his attack and Kidd shot him.

"I don't think so." Both men said in unison.

After a long interrogation, they finally got him talking. "He came to me and asked me for a favor. He wanted to lead the best fighting teams away from the DWMA. By now you'll be too late. The genies are planning to attack at sundown. You will lose." He started laughing but was cut off from a punch from Elizabeth.

"Like hell we'll lose." She turns to the kids. "Maka call Lord Death on this mirror and let him know what the situation is. Everyone else focus on your speed. We have to get there before it's too late." They all started running as fast as they could to the academy.

Elizabeth's POV

'Dammit! If we tried finding this guy earlier we could have made it back in time! What the hell is wrong with me?! Everyone's going to die if Stein's group and ours don't make it back in time!'

I was interrupted by Justin's conscious talking to mine. 'Have faith in the academy and their students Ellie. By the time we get back the fight will be over.' He kind of joked at the end but it definitely made me feel better. If he has faith in the kids, then I should as well.

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