Chapter 4

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Blackstar's POV

'When did they grab Tsubaki? She looks so scared. I hate these guys. I wanted to tear them apart but I can't touch them while they have Tsubaki.'

"If you give us what we want we might give her back." The man holding Tsubaki grinned and nuzzled his head into her beautiful black hair.

"Bastard! I'll never let you take her from me!" I began to run to them but he put a knife to her throat and cut her slightly. She yelped in pain and blood trickled down her yellow dress.

"I wouldn't get any closer if I were you." His grin widened and the group of assholes laughed.

'Dammit! I can't save her this time. What do I do?'

"Hey fellas!" Elizabeth finally stepped in. "Why don't you let her go?" The thieves laughed at her remark.

"Oh? Why should we?"

"Well I just think it's for the best. If you let her go then I'll give you whatever you desire." She continues the conversation in a very cheerful voice. If she was scared she didn't show it.

"Hm..." the man looked around his gang and they all silently agreed on something. "Alright princess you can have her back," he shoves Tsubaki away and she runs to me. "We want you, girl."

"What? Hell no!" Soul yelled to the man.

"It's quite alright Soul. I did tell him that I'd give him whatever he wanted if he gave her back." She smiles at all of us.

"You can't be serious Elizabeth!" Maka pleaded.

"N-no please..." Tsubaki couldn't finish her statement, she was too scared.

"We'll be taking you gorgeous. You're much more foxy than the other one." He walked up to her and grabbed her waist. She looked disgusted. "I call the first round with her." He tells the rest of the gang. They all disagreed and insisted they get the first round.

'Why would Elizabeth do this for Tsubaki?' I felt awful that she took Tsubaki's place but I was still relieved that my girl would be safe.

Soul's POV

'What the hell is she thinking offering herself like that?'  I wanted to go save her but I wouldn't be able to. I have to keep Maka safe, that's my first priority.

'I'm sorry Elizabeth.'

Just as the guy pulls Elizabeth to him he falls over in pain.


I look down and notice that Elizabeth's arm was transformed into a sword. The man screamed out and cursed her.

"You'll be fine. I didn't hit any vital organs. I want you all in fine health so you can go to jail for hurting Tsubaki and the numerous other women in this city."

"Yo-you bitch! I'll kill you!" Yelled a man with a gun. Elizabeth stood there not moving or saying anything.

'Idiot get out of the way.'

"You will not treat her so deplorably." Said a voice from behind the group. We all turned to see Justin walking up. "Putting your hands on Elizabeth like that, how brave.. and foolish." His face darkened as glared at the men and came to Elizabeth's side.

"Ha. Took ya long enough to get here Justin." Elizabeth smiles at him.

"I see you're still one to get yourself captured."

"Only when it's necessary Jay," she joked. "Shall we?"

"Yes, our Lord would want us the handle this group of womanizing dogs."

With that sentence the two became serious and stopped talking completely. They moved fast taking out one bad guy after another. Each used weapons from their own bodies and protected us in the process. There was a moment when one of the crooks went to shoot me and Maka. Justin ran over and Elizabeth, without looking over her shoulder at the commotion, leaped off of the building she was on and transformed into a metal mace that Justin used to knock the guy out with.

In a matter of minutes the dozens of gang members were unconscious and the pair dusted themselves off.

'Amazing. They didn't talk to each other once but they still moved completely in sync during the fight. That's almost impossible.'

"Alright guys, Justin and I will take care of these guys. Get some sleep and Tsubaki please treat your wound well. I'll see you all tomorrow." She gave us her signature beautiful smile before piling the bodies on top of each other while Justin called the police.

We stood there for a moment still in shock but we reluctantly headed home. Blackstar carried Tsubaki and ran to their apartment so her wound could be tended to immediately.

"Hey Soul,"

"Yeah Maka what's up?"

"What did you think of that little show just now?"

"It was incredible. I've never seen anything like it. Definitely cool."

"Yeah that's what I was thinking." She looked down a moment to think. "Even though I know we can't do that I want to try!"

"Okay sure but first you need to start training as a weapon. Afterwards I promise that I'll give it a try." I smiled at her. I was glad she was safe but I was angry that I couldn't protect her myself.

'I'm completely useless sometimes!'

Justin's POV

As we were watching the police take the thieves away. I can't help but stare at the one that grabbed Elizabeth.

'I can't believe he put his hands on my Ellie! That vile man!' I thought to myself but of course Elizabeth is listening.

"Hey it's okay Justin. I'm okay." She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes that sparkle in the moonlight.

'Why did you do that?'

"I couldn't let them hurt Tsubaki. I needed to save her." I take out my ear buds and talk to her out loud finally.

"You could have taken care of those guys yourself so why didn't you?"

"I needed back up. I need to make sure the kids were going to be safe. And besides," she looks up at me and she dramatically presses the back of her hand to her forehead. "Maybe I wanted my knight in shining robes to save me." We both laugh at her joke.

This girl. She is perfect.

"You have had an eventful first day huh? Let's get you home and out of the cold."

"I would love to." She giggles and hugs onto my arm.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now