Chapter 2

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"There has been a large amount of magical energy coming towards Death city from all sides but it is closing in on us slowly. I need all of you to take care of the threat once it reaches the city."

"Lord Death why don't we take care of the problem right now?" Tsubaki chimes in with her delicate but determined voice.

"We haven't figured out what they're planning yet and they are too spread out at the moment."

"Yes. If we attack now it would be easier for them to gang up on us." Spirit explains.

"One more thing! This time the mission will be tricky. We won't be going against witches alone." He pauses. By now they have realized that he won't give them anymore information so they don't ask for it. "Alright that's everything! When I tell you to attack then be ready but for now go about your lives but keep close to your partner. Okay bye now!" Death sends them off with a wave but he makes Spirit stay with him.

"No I wanna go with my daughter!" Spirit pouts.

"Spirit I need you to stay at my side for now."

"At least let me talk to the gorgeous-" The last thing they hear but the door closes is the impact between Spirit's head and Lord Death's hand.

Professor Stein and Marie decide to head home but not before they warmly welcome Elizabeth back home. They say goodbye to everyone.

"Oh! I still haven't greeted you all yet. Hi, I'm Elizabeth, I'm 18, and I'm a death scythe. I take care of the DWMA's European station for Lord Death." She smiles at them. Her voice is laid back and soothing.

Everyone introduces themselves except for Crona. He said he couldn't deal with talking to such a beautiful woman so Maka introduced him instead.

"That's so cool! So you're a weapon huh?" Patty asked wide eyed.

"Well obviously you idi-" Blackstar began.

"Actually I'm both weapon and meister.  I'm the same as Justin here." Justin was still listening to music but he looked like he knew what was going on.

"That reminds me," Soul began talking this time. "Justin became a death scythe on his own so are you his partner or just a really good friend?" Elizabeth's cheeks had a slight pink color come to them.

"Um- well I..." she began. Justin started laughing after a moment. "Hey get outta my head Jay!" She became more red.

"I can't help it Ellie. I can't believe you still act the way you used to." He chuckles.

"Well anyway to answer your question we've been partners ever since we met each other several years ago. Both of us could summon a couple different weapons ourselves and we didn't need a meister. We still worked as a team. We went on missions together but we collected our 99 souls plus a witch ourselves."

"Cool." Was all that was said.

"Welp I'm hungry. Can you guys show me where I can find a bite to eat?" Elizabeth speaks to the girls.

"Of course we can!" They respond. Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, Maka, and Elizabeth head out in search of food. This leaves Soul, Kidd, Crona, Blackstar and Justin alone in the hall.

"She's beautiful." Crona says in his small, timid voice.


"All of her features were perfectly symmetrical."

"Yeah she was pretty cool."

Someone cleared their throat from behind the boys. It was Justin. Each of the boys feel a slight panic run through their body once they realized Justin could hear them.

He grins at them. "She is quite lovely isn't she but just remember that she's my partner meaning that if any of you try anything with her, God help me, I will be forced to break my faith and punish you personally." Soul and Kidd step back and nod, Crona is crying in a corner terrified, and Blackstar is-

"IT'S NOT LIKE WE'RE GONNA STEAL YOUR GIRLFRIEND AWAY SO WHATEVER BUT IF YOU'RE LOOKIN FOR A FIGHT THEN I ACCEPT! BEATING A DEATH SCYTHE WILL BE GOOD FOR MY REPUTATION!" He gets in a ready position but Justin is still in shock from Blackstar calling Elizabeth his girlfriend.

"I- It's not- I'm just-," a blush came to his face. He turned and walked off beginning to mumble prayers to himself.

"That was unexpected." Kidd finally breaks the silence.

"Yeah. That wasn't very cool." 


The guys head to Kidd's house to hangout until the girls got back from their lunch date.

Elizabeth's POV

We went to this amazing restaurant that serves  hamburgers and milkshakes. We ordered a strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla milkshake along with eight orders of fries and shared them.

"So where will you be staying while you're here Elizabeth?" Tsubaki asks me with a voice so sweet it warms any soul.

I placed my finger on my chin and tilted my head down while I was thinking. "Hm. I haven't thought about it. Maybe I'll stay with Justin since we use to live together before." When I looked back Tsubaki, Liz, and Maka were staring at me with starry eyes. Patty was coloring a kids menu. "What's going on? Why are you staring at me?" I began blushing because I knew what they were going to say.

"So Justin huh?" Maka said with a smirk.

"Awe that's so cute. You guys would be cute together!" Liz squealed. Tsubaki smiled and nodded her head agreeing with both girls.

"What it's not a big deal," I tried to act as though I wasn't embarrassed. "People fall in love with their partners all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if all of you had a thing for your partners either." I turned to them grinning. Each of the girls looks away, embarrassed.

"W-what?! That's i-impossible." Was the only thing the girls could get out.

"Haha. I can't believe you all fell in love with your partners."

"You're one to talk." Liz jokingly fired back, her face still glowing red.

"Elizabeth," Maka started. "If you're able to resonant with Justin to the point that you can read his mind then can't you tell if he likes you or not?"

"Yeah that's what I was wondering too." Tsubaki says.

"Well it's not that simple. We are always resonating with each other but I don't want to go through his mind fishing for answers. If he loves me back then he'll tell me."

"Yeah I guess you've got a point there. Hey let's go hangout at my house because this restaurant will close soon." Liz offers them all hospitality.

"Sure, sounds like fun." Tsubaki smiles and we all get ready to leave while Patty is trying to balance a straw on her nose.

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now