Chapter 7

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Next day at school

Maka and Soul were sitting in class waiting for the rest of the gang to get there.

"Hey Maka, you've been on edge ever since yesterday. What's going on?" Make turned away from him, clearly pouting. "What, you're just not gonna talk to me anymore?" She lets out a sigh.

"No Soul. I don't want to talk right now." She became more irritated with every passing second.

"But you haven't talked to me since yesterday and that's not cool." Soul was just as irritated now.

"So what you're going to start lecturing me too me too or am I 'too much to handle'!" She was mocking what Ellie had told her the day before. She looked up at Soul who was hurt by her words. She had never been so mean to him for so long before. He turned back to to the front of the room.

"Tch. Whatever." Blackstar and Tsubaki walked into class.

"Hey guys." Tsubaki smiles innocently at the two while Blackstar was talking about how everyone is blessed with his presence.

"How can she say that I'm too much to handle when Blackstar is 5 times worse than anybody?!" Maka stood and slammed her hands onto the desk.

"What the hell Maka?!" Soul yelled out while Tsubaki tried calming down Blackstar and Maka. Liz and Kidd walked in, talking to each other.

"And what about Kidd? He's so meticulous about everything! How can he have suitable partners?" Maka continues to bash her friends which cause them all to get upset with her. Finally, Patty and Crona walk in the room together. Crona has come out of his shell more since he has been around Patty. Her hyper personality compliments his reserved one. "And Patty!-"

"Alright missy! That's enough!" Ellie stood up from the window seal and walked to Maka and all of the people she hurt. Ellie had a very serious look on her face. Her beautiful features were covered by an irritated expression. No one has ever seen her this pissed before. It was terrifying.

"Oh look who we have here! It's little miss perfect here to seduce everyone's man away!" Every kid in class took a set back. Not because of Maka's words but because they could sense Elizabeth's wavelength and its frustration. If Maka were in her right senses then she would realize that she needed to stop.

Professor Stein walked in and Justin tried to calm Ellie down from afar. He wasn't dumb enough to stand too close, however, Maka was now insulting Elizabeth and poking at her chest as she talked.

"Stein." The Professor looked up. He knew what she wanted.

"I'm going to have to ask the class to stand at the front of the room. A fight has just erupted-"


Maka's body flew across the room and hit the wall, cracking it.

"Did I say something to upset you Ellie?" Maka still spoke through her swollen lips.

"Soul, the black blood in Maka's body is what's causing her to act this way. After practice yesterday, I think the truth of her weapon skills was too much for her to handle which made the blood take hold of her again." Stein explained to Soul while the rest of the group listened.

"So you need me to save her." Soul started toward Maka but he was pulled back by Stein.

"No. Elizabeth can handle this just fine. I was simply telling you what was happening to your partner." Everyone continued watching as Maka lost royally to Elizabeth. She kept hitting Maka until the girl couldn't physically say anything. Elizabeth didn't even allow Maka's small body to hit the floor until the young girl's body stopped fighting back.

Ellie finally spoke. "You poor little brat. Things didn't go your way so now you take it out on others. You're pathetic! *kicks Maka across the room again with her soul wavelength* You don't deserve to be a weapon if you treat your friends so poorly! Weapons never allow their loved ones to get hurt but you did and that's unforgivable."

Elizabeth straightened up and stood still. A silence falls over the room. No one dares to speak, scared to be her next victim. Next to Maka's body there is a pool of what looks like black blood. Soon red blood drips out of her wounds. Maka starts whimpering and that turns into crying.

"You're right. I can't believe I let a few criticisms get the best of me. I'm so sorry guys!" Her words were hard to hear because her mouth was so swollen but Ellie knew what she was trying to say. Elizabeth walks over to Maka, grabbing a textbook off the table on her way, and lightly hits Maka on the head with it.

Ellie smiles at Maka. "Don't let it happen again. We count on you ya know?" She winked and Maka and helped her to stand, seeing as Maka couldn't on her own. "Come on. Let's go get you all fixed up!"

The class watched as the girls leave the room. Everyone is surprised at how things turned out in the end.

"It looks like I'm needed in the infirmary. Class dismissed." Stein leaves, still sitting in his rolling chair.

Several hours later

"Hey guys! She's all fixed up now so you can come see her." Miss Marie came to get all of Maka's friends from their classes.

When they reached the room she was staying in they noticed that her face was completely bandaged up, she had a cast on her left arm, and a boot on her right leg. Ellie turned to them when they walked in.

"Oh hey guys!" She smiled warmly at them but the sight of Maka's broken body that was sitting next to her sent shivers down their spines.

Justin was at the other side of her bed praying dramatically to Lord Death, who was a few rooms away.

Soul made his way to Maka first. "Um hey. Are you doing okay?" She didn't answer him.

"Um actually she can't speak right now," Ellie chimed in. "Her mouth is too swollen, but with the amount of meds Uncle Stein gave her, I doubt that she can feel anything." Ellie meant for that to come off nice but it just made them fear her a little more.

"Yes. She had several broken bones so I had to give her something." Stein states in defense. "I'll have Marie heal her later but I want to observe how this medicine will make her feel first."

The hospital scene was something almost comical. Soul climbed onto the hospital bed and napped with Maka, Justin was still being his overdramatic self but this time Ellie was giggling and watching, Kidd was wrapping Maka's right arm in a cast after he placed another boot on her left leg to preserve her symmetry, Liz was admiring Kidd's obsessive tendencies from afar, Patty was violently coloring on Maka's cast while Crona was gently signing it, Blackstar was trying to turn everyone's attention to himself and Tsubaki sat and listened to him ramble on and on, and finally Marie sat on Stein's lap as they watched the madness unfold.

Their morning was hectic but at the end of the day they all come together and loved each other's weirdness.

"Elizabeth! Justin!" Spirit busted through the door. He just noticed that Maka was the one in the hospital bed. He panicked for a moment and then noticed Soul. "What the hell do you think you're doing sleeping with my precious daughter like that?! How dare-"

"Spirit. What did you need?" Spirit turned to the angelic girl's voice.

"Oh right. Lord Death wants you both now."

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now