Chapter 10

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Ellie's POV

"Today Elizabeth Madison and Justin Law will be joining our class today. They will become assistant teachers so feel free to bombard them with your questions." Professor Stein introduced us. Justin wasn't really listening or interested in the class but I asked him to be there so he came.

"Today we'll be working on extended resonance!" Everyone's eyes were on me, however, it didn't seem like they were listening. I continued to explain the lesson plan but the guys were drooling and the girls were glaring at me with jealous eyes.

Uncle Stein came to my rescue, "If you would pay attention and stop staring at Elizabeth's beauty you might actually learn something." The class snapped out of their trance and paid attention from then on.

"Okay so like I was saying, resonance with your partner or partners is something each of you must do often and resonance with your group is something you do on occasion as well so stable resonance is a very important technique to perfect." I paused for a moment while everyone agreed. "Today we'll be learning and practicing extended resonance! By doing this exercise resonating with your partners and groups will be easier and more stable!"

"Ellie?" Blackstar raised his hand and I called on him. "What good is extended resonance? I don't get why we need to learn it." Stein scoffs at the blue haired boy's remark.

"Well Blackstar, if you resonate better with your team and weapon then you don't have to worry about your wavelengths diverging as well as you'll have an easier time during combat. Understanding your partner is key." I shifted my attention to the rest of the class. "You have all worked on team resonance already but we'll only be focusing on partners today. By the end of this you'll know each other just as well as I know Justin here." I joked as I pulled on Justin's sleeve.

"But Ellie,"

"Yes Maka?"

"I thought that it was nearly impossible to get to your level of resonance with Justin."

"Oh Maka," I chuckled. "I don't need to be resonating with Justin to know what he might be thinking. I just want you guys to have a better understanding of each other."

Ox raised his hand. "What if we want to reach their level of resonance?" He wanted to do something that Maka couldn't do so he'd finally be #1.

"I wouldn't recommend it." Stein spoke. "There are three major hurdles that prevent most people from achieving it. 1. Each of the two have to be willing to give up their privacy completely. Your partner will have access to your thoughts 100% of the time. 2. You have to share your darkest thoughts and most heartbreaking memories with them. 3. Your souls have to be completely compatible with each other. Elizabeth and Justin work perfectly because Elizabeth is laid back and caring and Justin is forgiving and honest."

The class started bombarding me with questions about if it was annoying being in constant resonance and 'how can I handle it all the time'.

Finally everyone was ready to try resonating with their partners for a longer time than normal; 10 minutes. Most kids didn't like the idea of their partners looking through their brains while others didn't mind. The hardest part was being vulnerable to each other so by the end of class only 4 pairings completed the task.

Time-skip ~ after school!

"Hey gang!" I walked up to my favorite group of weapons and meisters. They greeted me and Justin but they all seemed a bit down. "What's with all the long faces?"

"None of us were able to stay in resonance with each other for 10 minutes. We just don't understand what we're doing wrong." Kidd spoke for the group and I thought for a moment.

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