Chapter 11

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Blackstar was thinking about what Elizabeth said earlier. The only thing he wasn't completely honest with Tsubaki about was his feelings for her.

'That couldn't be what Ellie was talkin about... could it?'

He tried to think of other things that could be holding them back but he couldn't think of anything.

Tsubaki came out of kitchen holding two plates of food.

"Here Blackstar." She smiles her beautiful smile at him and he felt his cheeks get a little warm. He thanked her and they ate in silence.

"So what do you think Ellie meant when she was talking about confessing to your partner? Is there something you're hiding from me Tsubaki?" She just shook her to to answer his last question.

"Maybe we should take turns telling each other secrets that we've kept from each other." She proposed the idea and he agreed to it.

"Since I'm the bigger man, Tsubaki, I'll start. Sometimes I steal your shampoo because I don't want to go buy my own."

She laughed. "I know that Blackstar. I guess it's my turn huh? When I accidentally burn our dinner yesterday, I give it to Maka as a present." Tsubaki felt a little disappointed in herself.

"Wow Tsubaki that's pretty bad but I don't think we're any closer to extended, stronger resonance."

"Yeah you're right. I don't know know what else to do." Blackstar sighed.

'Of course she doesn't feel the same way. How could I even think that?!'

"Blackstar I'm going to go take a bath, do you mind cleaning up our plates?" The boy nodded his head and he saw to the clean up.

He thought that if he did something special for the raven haired girl, then she'd like him more. He started to bake a cake for the girl he secretly loves.

Tsubaki usually had to be there if he wanted to make a cake but he was sure he could do it by himself this time. "A star like me doesn't need any help with a cake! I'll show you Tsubaki!"

Soon Blackstar discovered that he couldn't make a cake. He mixed up the flour and baking soda. Eggshells littered the dough. The dough had turned a pale green somehow but he was determined to see this cake through to the end! Just as he was putting the dough into a frying pan, Tsubaki came out of her room.

"Blackstar, what are you doing?!" She grabbed the bowl of mess and placed it on the counter.

"Your God is making you a cake Tsubaki! Ha ha ha!" Even though he completely failed at making a cake, Tsubaki couldn't help but feel special.

'He went through all of this trouble... for me?' A faint blush rose to her cheeks. 'That's so sweet of him.'

The raven haired girl hadn't realized that she was staring at her meister until he tilted his head to the side and gave her a weird look.

"Are you feelin okay Tsubaki?" He put his hand on her head to check her temperature. "Your face is all red, are you sure you aren't sick?"

Her blush deepened and she frantically shook her head. "No! No, I'm alright. No need to worry about me."

He gave her another funny look. "Why wouldn't I worry about you?"

"I'm just- well I... I'm going to bed. Goodnight Blackstar!" She made her way to her room and sat on her bed. "I'm so weird sometimes. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird now- who am I kidding? It's Blackstar. He cares no matter how weird I am."

She smiled to herself. "Maybe I should tell him how I feel? Even if he doesn't feel the same way I'm sure that he would still accept me." Tsubaki pondered until she eventually fell asleep.

Blackstar came into his weapon's room to bring her some tea but she was already asleep.

'I guess I won't have the chance to tell her tonight. That's fine though. I'll think of something else.'

He set the tea down and pulled her blankets over her. He left the room and thought of how he was going to tell her and then it came to him.

The next morning!

Tsubaki woke up to her alarm clock.

'7:00 am'

Since Kidd came to the DWMA and begged his dad to change the arrival time to 8, everyone has gotten the chance to sleep in some. Well everyone except for Blackstar.

Every morning he would exercise before leaving the apartment. This morning however Tsubaki couldn't find him. She walked back to her room and found a cup of hot tea with a note under it.

'He must have left this for me. How sweet.' She picked up the note and read it.

Dear Tsubaki,

Drink this tea! It'll help with you being sick n all! I, the great Blackstar, have a stage to prepare this morning so I left extra early. Hope you don't mind. See you at school!

                                       From me,
                                            Your God. *

Tsubaki laughed at the last part of his letter. She got dressed in her regular attire.

She was feeling kind of down this morning because she couldn't complete Ellie's homework. Now there's a chance that she could be dropped from Professor Stein's class.

As she was walking to the academy she met up with Maka and Soul. She greeted them and they eventually found Kidd and his twin pistols talking with Ellie in front of the DWMA.

"Hey Tsubak-" Camellia flower petals were drifting through the air.

"YAHOOOOO!" Everyone in the area looked up to see and blue haired boy jump from the top of the academy and land violently in front of Tsubaki.

"Blackstar are you ok-" Ellie walked up to her and handed Tsubaki a bouquet of beautiful roses and quickly retreated.

"Tsubaki, ever since I met you, you have always given me a chance when no one else would." It took all of his willpower not to mention how great he is. "Because of this kindness you became my weapon and made me a stronger person!" No one has ever seen Blackstar speak so passionately so it was completely silent. "Tsubaki I like you a lot. Will you be my girlfriend and Ms. God?" He couldn't help himself with the last part.

The quiet girl was speechless. She wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. "Of course Blackstar." She warmly smiled.

"Okay cool! Ha ha ha!"

Soul eater fanfiction (kiddxliz , makaxsoul , Blackstarxtsubaki )Where stories live. Discover now