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Yesterday I was
because today I will be

Come back home// Måneskin


26th November 1950
Border between
North and South Korea.

IF A BATTLEFIELD was already rough on its own, imagine if it was hit by the harsh water drops of an angry storm. The fastidious mud making the soldiers stumble, while trying to attack to conquer and hide to live.
A scenery, this, hard and sad, as the dark clouds covered the upper space, the air becoming cleaner and cleaner.

Jaehyun cautiously walked on the soft, yet sticky soil, as he tried as much as he could to avoid any deadly and dangerous mine, while gesturing Taeyong to pass him more loads for his rifle.

They were four of them for this unit: less members, less problems, more mobility.
This is what their chief commander used to always say every morning, when the troops had to head to the field.

A loud explosion was then heard, followed by granules of soil spreading all around and then atrocious screams of lives probably taken away.
The dirt hit the soldiers scattered around the damaged area, small parts of earth dirtying their already consumed uniforms.

Jaehyun felt shivers go down his spine, as he realized that one of the many voices crying in pain was the one of one of his roomates. He stared at the point where the attack occured, his eyes opened wide and his lips slightly parted

«Hey Jaehyun, what are you doing?
Let's go away from here!»

Taeyong shouted, while shaking the younger's shoulder.

The brown haired male slowly nodded, while processing what the other just said to him and then ran off with the rest of the team

«I'm sure that was Doyoung's voice tho...»

He whispered to himself, still trembling

«Did you say something?»

The other one asked raising an eyebrow.
He looked clearly pissed off by the sluggishness his mate was suddenly showing, but didn't bother to scold him.
He was mature enough to know that there was a time and season for everything. And this wasn't the time to wonder who were the unfortunate people who just lost their chances to be able to breathe again.


Running through the sidewalk, the young men looked at their surroundings to see if someone needed their help, but it seemed like the others were busy with the enemy and didn't need any.

Jaehyun then took a small mine out of his pocket, pulled the top of it and threw it on the other side of the border. Manifesting soon after.

«Good shot, dude.»

One of his mates told him, patting his back as their ears were filled with shouting soldiers.

But the race wasn't over: if there was something which knew no end, that was surely the stretch of road to run across, just to avoid unpleasant surprises.

As his legs were fastly moving on their own, Jaehyun seriously thought he would die soon or later.
His breath was cut short, while his vision blurry. He felt like his body would leave him soon, making him be a useless and lifeless corpse. A burden to his fellows.

But no. If you actually think he was going to die, I'm glad to tell you that you're wrong.

The pressure of the situation, the stress put upon his built muscles and the difficulty of the activity were what really killed him mentally.
A state of mind no one would ever want to experience.

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