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But things have gotten so bad between us
I don't see us ever being together ever again
Like we used to be when we were teenagers
But then of course everything always happens for a reason
I guess it was never meant to be
But it's just something we have no control over and that's what destiny is
But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep
Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream

Mockingbird// Eminem


THE CLOCK'S hands chanting the time and the low murmurs of the people walking around were the only background accompanying the staring competition between Jaehyun and Doyoung, both sitting in the former's office while having a "friendly coffee date" in the hospital.

"So uhm... Why are you here?"

The doctor asked, clearing his throat and falling back on his chair

"Is that how you guys welcome people here?"

"Come on, I don't have all the day."

at the slight rudeness of the brunette, Doyoung was quite taken aback. He stared at him with a blank expression, before coming back to his senses and give a quick look to Ten, who was standing behind him — as always.

"I came here to introduce my new friend to you and you should too!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Jaehyun admitted, as his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes quickly glanced at an awkwardly silent Mark.


Doyoung clearly mumbled, while the fallen angel started smirking and walking round the table towards the surgeon, who on the other side didn't know what to do or to say.

Greeting Mark with a glare, Ten grabbed one of his black feathers and placed it on Jaehyun's pale palm.
After doing so, he approached the good version of himself and took one of his feathers as well and gave it to Doyoung, so that he may see him too.

"What the hell is going on?! Who is he?!"

Jaehyun wondered shouting and immediately standing up from his seat, pointing his index finger at the evil thing and letting his other hand run through his hair

"Hey Ten, that dude is way cuter than you. I mean, look at his wings!"

Doyoung admitted, as he stood up and jogged to Mark and proceeded with shaking hands with him while smiling sheepishly.

On the other hand, it was clear that the angel was uncomfortable: now that another human could see him too, only the sky knew what could've happen to Jaehyun and their promise.

Ten, who noticed the uneasiness of his mate, was kind enough to reassure him and calm him down explaining that if a demon was the one responsible for such a transgression, then he and the doctor were blameless.

"Can you please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

The brunette asked seriously, his grip on the agent's arm tightening

"Okay okay, I'll explain everything but kindly let me go. It hurts."

after escaping from the harsh grip, Doyoung went back to his seat and smiled at both the mystic creatures before starting to speak

"Jung Jaehyun: we're doomed, Reira know everything. But wait, let me correct myself... You're the one who's doomed, You are the one who wanted to try again.
Am I wrong?

Since we all know that from now your life won't last long, I decided to exchange few information with you about how I know about your second chance and so on..."

while listening to the male speak, Jaehyun could slightly feel his soul leaving his body and his brain not being able to assimilate the trouble the guy sitting in front of him got him into.

The desire of wanting to punch the other's annoying face was growing at every evil word coming out from his filthy mouth, along with the one of wanting to give up on everything and hide from all his problems and trials.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I just told you, bro."

"I mean why are you trying to destroy my chance? What did I ever do wrong to you? And stop calling me bro, you're disgusting."

Doyoung chuckled at the other's bitterness, a bit offended by it to be honest but still decided to answer him

"I was jealous."

he simply said, pursing his lips and shrugging his shoulders. The following silence soon filled with Ten's inappropriate laugh.

Mark facepalmed himself, wondering why humans could be so easily manipulated when talking about love.
He placed a hand on Jaehyun's shoulders and told him not to listen to the agent, it would only anger him and make him do things he would surely regret in the future.

"You— you were jealous... That's it?
Do you even realise you completely ruined two lives in the span of a month?"

No answer. Instead Doyoung shrugged his shoulders once again and rose his arms up as a sign of defeat

"Well... Whoops!"

he said laughing wholeheartedly, giggles filling the room.

At that point the doctor was about to lose his patience and risk it all, when his phone suddenly rang — interrupting his rage

"Your phone's supposed to be switched off while at work, smh."

"Shut up, it's Reira!"

Doyoung immediately stopped laughing, as his features crumbled in a serious expression, with a tint of anxiety.


"Hey Jaehyun, it's Reira.
I just wanted to ask you if we could meet up at our favourite cafe tomorrow evening.

I have something really important to discuss with you and it's urgent.


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